Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • Teenagers and those people in their twenties fit in the 'Autistic adults' group.

    If we have a group for such people, where does it end? Do we then create a group for adults who received a diagnosis after a certain age? Do we create another group for those of pensionable age?

    I see no reason to single out teenagers and those in their twenties from any other adult group. If we create a group for those people then in fairness we should create groups for other categories of people.

    Regarding posts being missed, I wrote a thread about using RSS feeds ('Keeping Abreast of New Threads') and mentioned above adding RSS icons; I do agree, though, that people missing posts does seem to be a problem.

  • Also I posted a thread which I don't know how to find. In it I suggested a page for links and recommendations. For example there are a lot of benefits queries so quick links for that ; or the links for women or assessments etc for some of the repeated concerns which frequently come up. And in connection with this a short appendix ;personal experience and advice/tips of such things burnout/shutdown, meltdown, sensory overload, and other topics where practical ways to help can be together rather than lost in individual threads. 

  • 5 days ago copied as suggested from the other thread
    Another idea for our forum.. I think the 5 heading groups should be extended to have a "Teens and 20's" section. They don't necessarily fit in with parents and carers and they don't fit in quite the same with older adults. They sort of get missed in the middle and need a place. ? Also it does concern me that new people and also some other posts get missed and unless you go to unanswered posts don't get replies.. which must be disheartening.. not sure what you can do about that though

  • I would like to see users being able to like replies as well as the original posting.

    In fact, I would prefer to lose the vote up/down facility and have it replaced by 'likes' (I am not sure that it would be beneficial to allow a dislike although that is the logical step). The problem with the vote up/down facility is that is can take replies out of context by moving them up the list (I know the reply is still shown in its place but you end up with duplication).

    I am also not a fan of the 'Load Next' and 'Load Previous' options. I find that rather confusing because postings can be, in effect, taken out of context. I think it would be clearer and less time consuming simply to list the postings and allow users to sort the postings (e.g. ascending date, descending date). Even if users could not sort the postings, my preference would still be for all of them to be listed.

  • Thank you but the add-on is written using legacy technology and will not work from Firefox 57 onwards.

    That's unfortunate.

    In addition, and more importantly, allowing the user to change screen colours would (or should) be browser-agnostic.

    I think with that one, living in hope seems to be the only option, although I find like others that it is rather disagreeable that those with visual difficulties are not being catered for directly at source as was the case before.

    I suppose the analogy here is comparative to putting steps in the place of ramps for wheelchair users at a public service building, and expecting/advising wheelchair users to upgrade their wheelchairs.

  • Lose the leaderboard please! 

  • Thank you but the add-on is written using legacy technology and will not work from Firefox 57 onwards.

    In addition, and more importantly, allowing the user to change screen colours would (or should) be browser-agnostic.

  • I also miss the ability to change screen colours. In the old system I could select a black background, which I prefer to the white. Firefox's reader mode does not work in the forum so I cannot use that to change the colour.

    Perhaps check 'Colour That Site :: Add-ons for Firefox - Firefox Add-ons - Mozilla'

  • Bonniepurple said:
    Please keep me logged in!  All other forums I'm on, I'm logged in most of the time.  Here, I login, then, if I close the browser/tab, I'm logged out and I have to go through the whole lot again.

    Apologies for posting again so soon but I forgot to mention that I like Bonniepurple's idea providing the user has the option to choose whether to remain logged in (preferably each time the user logs in).

  • I would like to see some help screens, even if they are in the form of a 'sticky' thread.

    Perhaps RSS icons can be added to the forum groups and threads.

    I also miss the ability to change screen colours. In the old system I could select a black background, which I prefer to the white. Firefox's reader mode does not work in the forum so I cannot use that to change the colour.

    I believe the old system also allowed users to change the font size and that can be useful.

    If any changes are to colours (including, for example, the buttons) then please remember to bear in mind people like myself who are colour-blind (I am red/green colour-blind but also have great difficulty with brown). I would be quite happy to see a different (and subdued) colour for buttons and usernames above posts.

  • I would like to see...

    A go to first unread button, so I don't have to scroll through the same replies over and over again to get to the new post.

    Better navigation guidance - I see latest posts and then when I log in it turns out they are months old...

    which brings me to...

    Please keep me logged in!  All other forums I'm on, I'm logged in most of the time.  Here, I login, then, if I close the browser/tab, I'm logged out and I have to go through the whole lot again.

     I'm a newcomer, but I find it immensely frustrating!