Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • Please would it be possible to post some easy to see links for people who are in desperation on this forum?

    I ask as if there is such a facility on this website I haven't seen any.

    It is so heartbreaking to see so many desperate people at there wits end coming onto the forum for help. We all do whatever we can but unless we have gone through the problem ourselves personally then we can only sympathise.

    I do understand why they would want to ask members as we are the ones who may know how to get help when nothing else has worked. If there are services out there then linking them in some way to this forum would work as this seems to be there last hope.

    maybe they have tried all the info or maybe just cannot find it?

    certain members on here are practically running a help service! Long may it continue and I feel deeply grateful that they find answers to the best of their ability.

    like I say I don't want to stop it from happening,I just want it to be really easy for anyone coming on the forum to get professional help.

    Just to finish! Thank you from my heart to everyone who tries to help these very desperate people.we owe you so much.Heart

  • Well 'The Day In and Day Out 101 Chat Thread' now exists, so if anyone feels inclined it is there to be used accordingly.

  • Crazy lady....."MissFits, best fits!"

  • Find a way to find the ones we gel with .. gravitate or magnetic force field doesn't really matter where. I'm not good at being tidy. Upside down

  • The anti social, social hemispherium... .

  • Sounds ok to me.. not sure if we'd manage not going off topic on other threads but if we did we could be nudged over to 101. 

  • Hey everyone!

    Does 'The Day-In and Day-Out Off-Topic 101 Thread' seem like a viable heading for those experiencing and wishing to communicate about more divergent and less focused states of mind, perhaps?

  • Hey ...always here and stressing.....waiting for someone to turn the light off in my room! You ok?

  • Hope my response was on topic as I needed to explain why I would appreciate a "whose online" list.

  • Hi spotty sorry if my suggestion caused you some upset? As missy said you can uncheck tracking! So if anyone wished not to be seen as online then I am sure this could be still an option. So an who's online and default not to show it, it would suit most but also last nite I had been very busy all day and when I came on here to catch up it just seemed like I was on my own,

    I then went through all the new threads and still no one about,suddenly names I knew replied to various posts, I know it sounds silly but if I knew someone I knew was online I might comment on a non specific post to have a natter and catch up. It did make me feel lonely but that's just my crazy way of thinking which I can't change,it feels nice knowing familiar names are about.

    Just say I'm sat here late at night(quite often as cannot sleep) I have no useful knowledge for serious posts,so I just sit here waiting for a new posting. Maybe elephant in the room was also awake stressing over something? We could miss each other.or we could go to a non specific post and have a chat.

  • Spotty Tortoise said:

    Thank you and Caretwo, I don't think I am paranoid, just very uncomfortable being in any kind of spotlight at the moment and doubt that I'm alone there.

    You are so not alone in this respect at all, and as far as paranoia goes ~ always keep it in reserve and when you do need it ~ use it sparingly as it appears you do quite reasonably already.

  • Thank you and Caretwo, I don't think I am paranoid, just very uncomfortable being in any kind of spotlight at the moment and doubt that I'm alone there.

  • Deepthought said:
    your concern on this subject matter is without doubt very appropriate and befitting.


  • I agree Spotty I have the tracking unchecked as prefer to be under the radar not the spotlight. 

  • Spotty Tortoise said:

    I want to be invisible, am I just paranoid?

    On the other websites I know of there is an option for the 'invisibility' you want, and even if you are paranoid ~ your concern on this subject matter is without doubt very appropriate and befitting.

  • Am I alone in being completely horrified at the idea of it being visible whether I am here or not, I actually felt panic when I read this although I do understand why Lone might want it.

    I want to be invisible, am I just paranoid?  If I was visible I would feel pressure to join in and sometimes I just don't feel able to, or only with a couple of things, creating a perceived pressure to perform would be very counter productive for me, anyone else feel this way?  Am I really a tortoise rather than a metaphorical one?

    I'm off to explore Caretwo's presence tracking comment!

  • But this should NOT override the 'Enable Presence Tracking' setting if it is unticked (i.e. do not track).

    If the setting is disabled no community user should be able to see if you are online.

  • Lonewarrior said:

    Would it be possible to have a box somewhere showing who is online? I feel like I am the only one here! No recent threads.

    Maybe the old 'Leader Board' panel could be re-programmed to display the avatar images of those who are on line.

    Perhaps our avatar names could be shown as initials underneath or in the avatar images themselves ~ or maybe just stick with the images as they are?

  • Deep Thought, I think I love you! 

    What an excellent response 

    yours, a mere SLARTIBARTFAST In your honorary universe
