Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • Good Evening NAS, and to any who may read, and Glad Tidings to WebPM especially. I have not Posted for almost a week, and so I think that I aught to try to say something helpful somewhere by now... and so reiterating a few pertinent matters here may suffice...

    Please install the functions (Buttons):
    To Bottom
    Back To Top

    ...and, please excuse my manners, yet...


    ...And I am not the only one experiencing this. (And Please start a New Thread like this one, for this one is Long.) Thank you for your time. おやすみなさい.

  • Since I've been mentioned by name, I thought I'd better comment Grinning

    We are listening, i.e. reading this thread and similar ones. I'm sorry that we're not able to respond all the time. There are lots of ideas, and we're not really able to take them all up with our available resources, so an important part is trying to understand which ones the largest number of you support. We're therefore at present still focused on the issue of identifying the latest messages in a complex thread, and we are working on that one actively.

    I should note, however, that we are using commercial software. So, we want to limit the degree to which we customise it, as this can have consequences for keeping it running in future versions. Therefore, for some issues (for example the Load Next/Previous behaviour), I have gone back to the developers' own forum, to discuss with other user sites the way the system works - the aim being to get improvements in the package itself.

    We'll look at the Hints and Tips points, as that's just a matter of creating the relevant page(s). The aim of putting them with the threads was to have them accessible and visible when the issue arises. For example, as I write, there's a reminder of how to mention someone. However, drawing them together as well wouldn't do any harm - especially because mobile users won't see them until the bottom of the page whereas, on desktop, they are right alongside the box as I type.

    So, all ideas are valued, and I'm sorry we aren't able to take them all up immediately.


  • Hi WebPM

    One of the behaviours with the load next/previous that I find a bit frustrating (apart from that it exists in the first place) is that it seems to take a while to load. The rest of the site is really fast, when you first click into a thread it loads really fast, however when scrolling to the bottom, or clock on the load next it often seems to hang for a while. I also experience similar issues on login (it can take 30 seconds or more sometimes to load once you click login), I also notice this behaviour intermittently with posting, most of the time it will be fast, but probably 1-5 it will hang for 30 seconds or more and probably 1-10 it won't do anything and requires copying the comment, refreshing the page, pasting it in and trying again. Is there perhaps an optimisation issue somewhere as this doesn't seem to happen on a pattern (it's just as likley to occur at 3 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon or 7 in the evening.

    Also for reference I get the same behaviour at home (300mbps Virgin), work (50/50 symmetric fibre) and on mobile (over both 3G and 4G in different locations) across laptop, desktop, tablet and mobile so it's not a connection or device issue.

  • Hi WebPM

    One of the behaviours with the load next/previous that I find a bit frustrating (apart from that it exists in the first place) is that it seems to take a while to load. The rest of the site is really fast, when you first click into a thread it loads really fast, however when scrolling to the bottom, or clock on the load next it often seems to hang for a while. I also experience similar issues on login (it can take 30 seconds or more sometimes to load once you click login), I also notice this behaviour intermittently with posting, most of the time it will be fast, but probably 1-5 it will hang for 30 seconds or more and probably 1-10 it won't do anything and requires copying the comment, refreshing the page, pasting it in and trying again. Is there perhaps an optimisation issue somewhere as this doesn't seem to happen on a pattern (it's just as likley to occur at 3 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon or 7 in the evening.

    Also for reference I get the same behaviour at home (300mbps Virgin), work (50/50 symmetric fibre) and on mobile (over both 3G and 4G in different locations) across laptop, desktop, tablet and mobile so it's not a connection or device issue.

  • Yes, those figures are Mbps tested tons of times with various speed checkers including diect from the router, the best we get these days is 1.7 Mbps download. A BT engineer came out last week and poked about but nothing has improved.

    I think I've finally pursuaded my partner that we need to get an alternative internet provider!

  • Does my nemesis Photoshop qualify as hideous bloated software?

    Yes. (Yet I would say "Hideously Bloated", and not "Hideous", for it is good software.)

  • How do you know it's the internet?

    Are your figures in Mbps? How did you get them, and what is your current line speed?

  • Whatever the hardware and software issues, there is another element at play in making some of us second class citizens. The ******* internet. Currently we have .78 download speed and .28 upoad. I need a punchbag to alleviate the frustration of it feeling like an old dial-up connection. 

    Does my nemesis Photoshop qualify as hideous bloated software? It recently took three whole days to install on my new laptop. Disappointed

  • And lo, their share prices rose, and they saw that it was Good...

    And lo, as the data traffic jams got greaterer and greaterer; the data processing speeds got worserer and worserer, and server coolers got hotterer and hotterer 'and' lesserer and lesserer ~ this proved not to be good.

  • It's worse than that.

    There is a major hardware manufacturer which needed the software to go slower, so that they could sell people faster hardware. So a major software supplier produced ever more bloated operating systems, on the promise of "more features", which in turn persuaded folk to upgrade their hardware. The pair of them call it "the hardware-software spiral".

    And lo, their share prices rose, and they saw that it was Good...

  • Um...Glad Tidings to both WebPM and to DeepThought, and I only write this to say how much I appreciate the lucidity expressed within this digression from the two of you and that I very much would join in... yet I am uncertain of doing so HERE since it is not strictly related to the "Main Topic" of this Thread...?

    (...And this Thread is *very* long already...) Thank You anyway.

  • It was always like thatGrinning In the early days of computing, with very limited computing resources to run the programs, there was a lot of skill in building very efficient code. To some extent, that's not so important now.

    However, the other issue is that developers, in a commercial market, are competing with each other to offer the best features, and this pushes software to do more and more. So, as quickly as the hardware people come up with faster machines, the software people are incentivised to slow them down again!

  • Also for reference I get the same behaviour at home (300mbps Virgin), work (50/50 symmetric fibre) and on mobile (over both 3G and 4G in different locations) across laptop, desktop, tablet and mobile so it's not a connection or device issue.

    I think the issue it seems is that the latest 64 bit digital software packages ~ are operating faster in terms of their running speeds or times, but becoming more incompatible with the analogue hardware which operates more slowly.

    I think a good analogy perhaps might be for those who drive ~ it is like doing away with the amber light from red and green traffic lights, and then using speed humps to slow cars, vans and lorries down instead.
