Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

Parents Reply Children

  • Can you please tell me what the 'Points' I have are for and how I managed to earn them? What do I do with them? 

    You get seven 'Points' for each post and I think each thread also, and as far as what you do with them goes, nothing basically.

    The points are for social status, which used to put high volume posters at the top of a leader board and low volume posters did not get on it ~ which annoyed some who could not get on it, and worried others who did.

    Numerous requests were made to the NAS to get rid of the leader board, and eventually we got to vote on doing away with it, as community members were getting competition and performance anxiety also.

    If you would like to read what was written on this issue, use the following link:

  • Also, why is the NAS website's URL not safe? My URL bar thingy has a circle with an 'i' in it next to the address for this site which is making it very hard for me to reach this site as my computer thinks it's unsafe. Shouldn't there be a padlock there instead? This problem only started about 2 days ago but, if it's simply a 'website down' type of problem, shouldn't it have been fixed at least 1 day ago? 

    Please fix ASAP as the only way that i'm currently able to access this site is through Wikipedia which is crazy!