Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • Sorry to moan again, but I simply cannot cope with thread streams as they are currently posted.  I see a new posting and my natural impulse is to go to the end of the stream to see the last comment... only to find that it isn't there, but has been posted in response to someone else's comment, and is therefore nested away.  So, I have to then go through all the 'Load more' sub-headings until I find the appropriate post.  This is bad enough on a short thread, but on one which has had, say, 30 replies?  Forget it.

    Is there any way that a recently-posted comment can be seen at a single click, without having to go through (possibly) loads of nested replies?

  • When I click 'View online' in an e-mail notification I am taken straight to the posting so that may be a short-term fix for you.

    I agree that the presentation of posts is a mess and it needs sorting; all this 'Load Previous' and 'Load Next' really annoys me and there are times when I just give up on threads (particularly new threads where I have not requested notifications).

  • caretwo wrote:

    I agree that the presentation of posts is a mess and it needs sorting; all this 'Load Previous' and 'Load Next' really annoys me and there are times when I just give up on threads (particularly new threads where I have not requested notifications).

    I would like a 'Load All' function myself if not a more orderly state of affairs ~ classic though that the science of technology was going to make everything so easy . . . Rolling eyes

  • Lonewarrior wrote:

    Well having  nearly giving up I  found deepthought s reply, not here but on the main page at the bottom of the latest posts, 

    This nested threading business is rather a disorderly and wearying state of affairs, really. 

  • Well having  nearly giving up I  found deepthought s reply, not here but on the main page at the bottom of the latest posts, 

  • Deepthought 2 hours ago in reply to caretwo
    caretwo wrote:

    Thank you but the add-on is written using legacy technology and will not work from Firefox 57 onwards.

    I have just upgraded to Firefox 57 myself, and there is a "Dark Background and Light Text Preference" add-on that does page colouration also ~ down-loadable from:

  • Well I have just spent many minutes looking for the last reply posted here! Deepthought an hour age according to the list of latest topic updatptes, still haven’t found it, I uncompressed all of the various compressed sections! So an embedded reply maybe, I even painstakingly checked the up and down arrows in case he liked a post and it triggered it as a new reply, I have asked before. Why do all the replies have to be a continuose row with embedded posts, If there were ten posts to each relevant numerical indicator and then ten for the next I could choose to fast forward or go straight to the last page see the newest reply,if it didn’t seem to relate on its own I could go back one numericalnpage to see the previous last reply.

    Still not able to post pictures of any size or file extensions while in PM. 

    Email notifications seem to be random, quite often just random replies but with some missing are within the update, In email notifications my own replies are not included, just responses, so no context, well not for me as being dyslexic my memory is limited, quite often mixed up, I struggle to recall many points, 

    Deepthought could you possibly tell me where you posted as my ability to justgive up is not easy, I took the trouble to look as I find your replies most interesting to read, thank you ()

  • I tried reducing the picture very small in file size below 1mb,still not allowed to post it.that is when in the PM area, so not the answer, oh and despite you saying you would reduce extension types the message still has 67 that apparently are ok! Not true, 

    Also while in pm Everything disappeared? All replies, the user I was chatting to vanished, I had to go to their user name and click connect to PM them.

    This whole experience is so stressful. I thought I was a bit unstable? Lol.

    The image below was screen captured when the PM area crashed!

  • I was thinking of trying to get a Christmas jumper along the lines of "I don't do Christmas - I'm autistic" but given the current release of "The Last Jedi" I prefer yours.

  • If you still can't upload your image, please check that it is not too large (the limit is 1MB) and that it is a JPG, PNG or GIF.

    Thank You very very very  much, Mr. WebPM --- again!

  • Thank webPM for answering, Yes I do get frustrated, I apologise for my rather harsh tone but it was beginning to look like no one was being listened too.

    So my images may be to big? Ok I will see if I Can master the art of file size manipulation. Using an iPad uh oh, bring back windows xp! Stretch and skew reduce by 50% save as edited job done, 

    I think it was the sudden inability to post pictures after it seemed all ok before?

    And the random ability to post an image one day and not the next as mentioned above. Very frustrating as being a ramble Lol. I write so very much,add a picture and it freezes! Then to stop it and clear the floating “sending” box I have to refresh ,loosing all my thoughts ! 

    Thank you for your hard work with trying to deal with a dysfunctional product ()Wink

  • Thank webPM for answering, Yes I do get frustrated, I apologise for my rather harsh tone but it was beginning to look like no one was being listened too.

    So my images may be to big? Ok I will see if I Can master the art of file size manipulation. Using an iPad uh oh, bring back windows xp! Stretch and skew reduce by 50% save as edited job done, 

    I think it was the sudden inability to post pictures after it seemed all ok before?

    And the random ability to post an image one day and not the next as mentioned above. Very frustrating as being a ramble Lol. I write so very much,add a picture and it freezes! Then to stop it and clear the floating “sending” box I have to refresh ,loosing all my thoughts ! 

    Thank you for your hard work with trying to deal with a dysfunctional product ()Wink

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