Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • Hello Mods. I am becoming increasingly frustrated by the continual need to log out and login again repeatedly every time I use the forum on my iPhone . It happens when I move from thread to thread, or between the forum and private messages or if my WiFi connection changes. Could something PLEASE be done about this infuriating issue. Thank you. 

  • I'm often looking on my phone and it doesn't log me out like that, it's a bit random but It keeps me logged in all evening or whatever usually. I'm on a Samsung S7 Edge / Android.  On my PC or laptop it sometimes stays logged in overnight while they're asleep.

    Every time I get a sign in screen link from a post when I didn't realise I wasn't signed in, it goes straight to an Error 404 screen and it's really awkward to find what you were trying to reply to. That applies to phone or PC.

    Can see why that would drive you bonkers Misfit. Disappointed

  • It is crazy Spotty...

  • Night Spotty. Hope your weekend is going well x

  • Yes drives me potty. It is sort of random but been getting increasingly worse lately to the point of it being off putting. It’s definitely different on the laptop but as you know I use my phone a lot. I can be logged in and it still won’t let me post so I have to repeatedly log out and log back in. Sometimes it’s when I go from one post to another, sometimes replying to one, ( on the phone I get emails telling me of responses and go into answer online) but then locks me out, or going from pms to forum or forum to main website... which is really very off putting because sometimes I want to check what info is available on the main site to direct people but it just gets too complicated! Busy day. Time for zebedee. 

  • It's so random, I've wanted to comment on this before but I can't spot a pattern so it's hard to know what to say. At least it's not just me. Maybe you could reinvent this wheel with your compter geek cohort? Lol. x

Reply Children
  • Night Spotty. Hope your weekend is going well x

  • Yes drives me potty. It is sort of random but been getting increasingly worse lately to the point of it being off putting. It’s definitely different on the laptop but as you know I use my phone a lot. I can be logged in and it still won’t let me post so I have to repeatedly log out and log back in. Sometimes it’s when I go from one post to another, sometimes replying to one, ( on the phone I get emails telling me of responses and go into answer online) but then locks me out, or going from pms to forum or forum to main website... which is really very off putting because sometimes I want to check what info is available on the main site to direct people but it just gets too complicated! Busy day. Time for zebedee.