0️⃣ Symbols.

Nothing happening this early,which could be seen as good as no comments mean no worries.

Anyway just trying to work this site out, I have noticed the up arrow and down arrows under each post.

What exactly do they represent? Does Arrow down smallmeanThumbsdownor send them down?eek!

Just wondered?

Parents Reply Children
  • The thing is ele I always have been,just as I get older I get soppy'er just never feel comfortable being so in the real world!

  • You're such a soppy soul LoneWarrier...please don't ever change. Missy needs a place to feel safe and I thank you for that.

    big love!

  • Hi all totally shattered,been walking all day,lots of fun but lots of people and lots of noise! Just focus on individual things, still makes my heart rate go up and all becomes a big blur. Still 54 years of coping has helped. Been at the Dorset steam fair,

    really nice to hear missy having a chatter please feel free to chatter as much as you like on my post,it's what I want and encourage, I am a natter box, I just bore people a lot lol.like ele said just let it roll on by,we are here to support you,never feel you are alone.and to my favourite teacher I send a special pupil teacher hug,and a big hug to missy from me and my daughter.

  • Blush Slight smileWow nature can be beautiful. 

  • Sending out the BIG love...which is almost as good as an online hug from @LoneWarrior

  • Watch out for that dragon fly and keep the g.pig happy :)

  • Thanks . I know,I've had many . At least it's warm and dry enough to have the door open onto the garden. The sun might even be trying to peep out 

  • They do happen, so try to roll with it. Promise

  • Ok. I know but frustrating all the same. I sort of expected it but always hope it won't happen.. Slight smile

  • The key is to be patient with yourself and the burn out....don't beat yourself up about it! Ok

  • Didn't have notifications on sorry.   Yesterday I didn't manage anything and only slightly more today. I'm in a mini burn out. Just have to wait it out. 

  • I'm ok, thank you....what's occurring in your bubble..

  • Hello Elephant. Am sure Lonewarrior won't mind me coming here just to say hello and ask if you are ok too? 

  • Hi Misfit... hope you are ok and I am aware that you are quite wary about being only at the moment. 

    Yes, the above was a lovely conversation and Lone is very lucky to have such a supportive family ...but we're also a very supportive, (although a bit kooky) "family" here.

  • Lonewarrior and Elephant what a lovely conversation. You are both wonderful. Elephant I am with you in not really having anyone to share wth offline. I will miss you when you are fully engaged back at work.  Lonewarrior you sound like you and your wife have built such a loving family and you let that spill out onto here. I wish your daughter well. In my range of many jobs I worked with special needs children and I loved working with them ( NT colleagues not so easy). 

  • ) ( said:
    I will never forget the teacher who saved me! I wish I could thank her and give her a really long cuddle,now that is unlike me. She saw I needed help and in her own time got me heading along the right road.

    Looks like your lovely wife is continuing that mantle....hope she's coping with assembling your holiday wardrobe!! - he he!

  • Long may it continue, she has always said she wanted the unhelped children to have someone to help them. It was her that put the scope link on my Facebook page,apparently it wasn't aimed at me,but she does understand my links with it.

    we are so alike but always at odds,both headstrong.

    I will never forget the teacher who saved me! I wish I could thank her and give her a really long cuddle,now that is unlike me. She saw I needed help and in her own time got me heading along the right road.

    I watched a YouTube vid once of a teacher who was retiring,the whole school secretly organised a farewell to remember,it was when everyone suddenly starts singing and dancing. They did it to lion king music,they encircled her on the playiground parents teachers and children all took part. Bless she was crying,so was I. I still watch it and it still makes me cry.years of devoted work.

    Still can't do links but the video is"St Julian's school flash mob for Mrs Gabica." Make sure you have plenty of tissues.

  • And I expect that daughter is very proud of her parents as well - which is probably another reason why she wants a career where she can give back to others! - She realises that your support has helped her greatly achieve...and she'd like to do the same! - look what you've started!! 

  • I really have found my voice albeit virtually on here,things I couldn't or dare not say to others. My wife is an angel as she listens to my ramblings, And although she listens and tries to help she ultimately doesn't know what it is to be autistic. I would be nothing without her,she is fretting now trying to find out the clothes I prefer! I am a fussy so and so.She is getting stuff ready for our holiday outing.

    Honestly even if no one responds to my posts it's ok,but post my thoughts anywhere else and it would bring out the keyboard warriors.

    My daughter had the usual issues at school,no recognition of her struggles, only going to college did they act proactively in having her assessed. Her diagnosis was lengthy and the outcome was "has achieved higher than expected considering the overall assessment pointing toward less ability" not an exact quote but she had achieved more than she should have.

    It took over a week of four different specific areas to be assessed on. We as parents were involved,questionnaires etc.

    The very lengthy report came with a letter thanking us as parents for getting her to such a high level. The lady who did the diagnosing said her son was dyslexic and my daughter and he scored very similar,very low ability in key areas? But due to our hard work and understanding she was at a higher level than anticipated.

    She volunteered at our local special needs school,she became friends with a women whose son probably has ADHD/ASD but still waiting for assessment .he is in mainstream school.She has helped both of them so much,he bites scratches swears and will wet himself and laugh? She is not phased.

    A very proud dad indeed.

  • I have worked with a lot of teachers and I can confidently say that the most loved and respected are those that have "lived" and that want to help others as they can recognise what help is needed (even though it might not be directly asked for) and where the gaps are in current support provision.

    In terms of the depression thread on the Car Forum.....an online comment is less stressful to make than a face-to-face one.  There have been some very honest posts here and I'm glad that people feel confident and safe to make these...and receive such lovely support from community members.

    As I have mentioned in previous posts...I am here as there is no one I can talk to at home (and no friends, work colleagues etc that I can open up to ).....this can be a double-edged sword as the more support I get here heightens the lack of support even more so..in the off-line world.

    On a much happier note....Hats off to your daughter....! I'm impressed with her tenacity and determination and her aspiration to help those who struggle and can fall into the cracks -  I am sure she will do well!

    You could here easily include a "thanks" button....and many people are here asking for advice, guidance and reassurance....so, a "thanks" button would seem more appropriate in that instance.  It is a big boast to be thanked and most of us here seem to have low self-esteem/self-belief...so it is always nice to get a boost!