How to talk to my GP about possible Autism?

Hey all

I'm attending the doctor's later today, to hopefully get a diagnositic on whether i am/am not autistic, considering the advice and the scores i've been getting on NAS i'm pretty sure i am..

Does anyone have any ways to.. broach the subject in a appointment with a GP?

  • my GP said children have autism, not adults. a different GP sent me for diagnosis with a psychologist after speaking with a mental health worker at the practice. some GP's lack training in autism

  • I am under the impression that by the time you read this; you will have already been to see your GP. How did it go?

  • fiercelyoptimistic said:

    Does anyone have any ways to.. broach the subject in a appointment with a GP?


    "Hi, Doctor. I think I might be autistic".

    No need to beat around the bush at all.

  • Hi.

    Do make an appointment for just this purpose and don't be tempted to tack it on to an appointment devoted to another issue. You want the doctor to realise you take this seriously and its important to you.

    I made a list of the reasons I thought I was autistic (including family history, personal history and experiences) and took that along. My doctor referred me for assessment without asking to see it but I felt more confident knowing i had  sound reasons for asking to be referred.

    Do make sure you know the next steps if you are referred. There can be a very long wait for assessment and its best to know what to expect.