
I read an article in the Daily Mail (so it must be true!!!) about a new 'Treatment' for autism using oxytocin. (this story is not new and has been going round for some time but the daily mail recirculates old stories frequently).  Apparently Oxytocin causes someone on the Autism Spectrum to react with more social interraction and makes them more likely to cuddle.

My understanding of oxytocin is that it is the hormone released when one falls in love, and is released in new mothers and causes them to bond with their babies. 

For anyone who ever has fallen in love, there is an extreme 'high' when one first experiences this.  Followed by a very extreme 'low' if the relationship breaks down.

The 'high' I think is due to the oxytocin affecting one's mind,  and then one becomes dependant on this .  The 'low' is withdrawal symptoms, which lead to the depression, anxiety, and all the bad feelings one gets at the breakdown of a relationship.

So I wonder, if using oxytocin in this way will actually lead to an even more intense meltdown if  for any reason it is withdrawn or unavailable?  And as with any drug, dependancy will become an issue.  It is not in my nature to take mind altering substances of any sort and would be very wary if my doctor prescribed it for me, a natural hormone or not. 

My other point of view is that there is this pervasive thought among many that ASD's need a 'cure' and this is not the case for everyone.  I do not need a 'cure'.  What I need is to be accepted for what I am, just different to other people and I have my own way of thinking and doing things. 

It was also interesting to read the comments to this article and the fact that some still believe autism is caused by measels vaccine!


  • Trainspotter said:

    Sorry Aspergerix.  I'll try to remember to make it clear when I use irony in the future.

    Thanks Trainspotter, but you do not need to apologise; it’s me, I am pragmatically challenged, I am both high functioning and low functioning when it comes to the use of and interpretation of language.

    This is the paradox I find very difficult to explain to people.

     I struggle to understand people’s intentions and meanings, plus I struggle to convey my own intentions and meanings correctly using language.

    People often get upset with me and accuse me of sarcasm and irony when I never intended this , or they interpret my words to mean things I never intended.

    I do not have the foresight to understand how my language comes across, and often even in hindsight I fail to understand how people can perceive my words in the ways they do. The result more often than not is that my words unintentionally upset and alienate people. It is the paradox that I can and cannot communicate. The average neuro-typical person does not understand this unfortunately , only a professor of linguistics has the insights to know what issues involved are.

    I can string words together but there is a lot more to communication and the use of language than that. I have a certain mental blindness. It is a mental process disability. It is part of my Autism. It is like colour blindness where a person can see but they also cannot see. They can see only part of the light spectrum and I can only see part of the communication spectrum but am blind to other parts. 

    It is this mind blindness that people just cannot comprehend. Talking to neuro-typical people I feel like I am talking to the deaf and I am not able to use sign language and they don't understand sign language and everybody is just angry angry upset offended confused lost.

  • Trainspotter said:

    Sorry Aspergerix.  I'll try to remember to make it clear when I use irony in the future.

    Thanks Trainspotter, but you do not need to apologise; it’s me, I am pragmatically challenged, I am both high functioning and low functioning when it comes to the use of and interpretation of language.

    This is the paradox I find very difficult to explain to people.

     I struggle to understand people’s intentions and meanings, plus I struggle to convey my own intentions and meanings correctly using language.

    People often get upset with me and accuse me of sarcasm and irony when I never intended this , or they interpret my words to mean things I never intended.

    I do not have the foresight to understand how my language comes across, and often even in hindsight I fail to understand how people can perceive my words in the ways they do. The result more often than not is that my words unintentionally upset and alienate people. It is the paradox that I can and cannot communicate. The average neuro-typical person does not understand this unfortunately , only a professor of linguistics has the insights to know what issues involved are.

    I can string words together but there is a lot more to communication and the use of language than that. I have a certain mental blindness. It is a mental process disability. It is part of my Autism. It is like colour blindness where a person can see but they also cannot see. They can see only part of the light spectrum and I can only see part of the communication spectrum but am blind to other parts. 

    It is this mind blindness that people just cannot comprehend. Talking to neuro-typical people I feel like I am talking to the deaf and I am not able to use sign language and they don't understand sign language and everybody is just angry angry upset offended confused lost.

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