cannabis oil

Our 3 year old boy is in the final process of officially being diagnosed, and we are probably like many  other families , in that we are always online desperately looking for help/ advice  that  may  help our boy, we have come  across articles on cannabis oil  ( albeit mainly on  American sites ) has any one got any views on this? Is it legal here ,does it help, has anyone any experience of it ? 

Parents Reply
  • There has been many years of research, just not in the UK.

    Please, share the links to the research articles on CBD. It doesn't have to be from the UK, research is international, so any valid research articles would be ok. If you could let people know about the research, I'm sure it will greatly benefit a lot of people here. Even though the original post is 3 years old, people other than the original poster could still read about it. And if there is sufficient scientific evidence that it is helpful, then I'm in favour of promoting it as well. But you should back up your statements with solid evidence and logic. 

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