
Has anyone else tried the Aphantasia test which the BBC has put online? I scored 18, which is low aparently. I have trouble remembering/recognising people and this is connected.

I do occasionally have very clear mental amages of things and they startle me with their clarity, posibly because I struggle to conjure up the faces and general appearance of my family. A work colleague once told me she has lots of illuminations on her bike. I have been stuck with an image of her on her bike wearing her green hat and a string of fairy lights from the handle bars to the back of the saddle supported on two poles above her head. However, I can barely summon up a picture of my husband or son. They are very vague. The image of my husband is quite Picasso like, with his disruly eyebrows and thin hair appearing in sequence rather than a total picture.

What do you see?

  • My mind's eye is neither particularly good nor particularly bad, but my inner ear is incredibly vivid. Occasionally I genuinely don't know whether I thought something or said it aloud, or a tune can be playing in my head and I suddenly wonder whether I've been singing it because I can hear it so clearly.

  • My mind's eye is neither particularly good nor particularly bad, but my inner ear is incredibly vivid. Occasionally I genuinely don't know whether I thought something or said it aloud, or a tune can be playing in my head and I suddenly wonder whether I've been singing it because I can hear it so clearly.

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