Noise canceling headphones

I just tried on noise canceling headphones. The noise canceling option works it’s amazing and i can listen to music simultaneously if I want, but it gave me some sort of unpleasant sensation like squeezing in my ears or head, it’s hard to describe it. So I decided to stay with my soft earplugs for few €. They make noises quieter but I still hear things. The only disadvantage of the earplugs is that they don’t fully cancel high pitched sounds like car brakes or tram squeak on the rails for example. Has anyone similar experience with noise canceling headphones? Do you get used to this sensation or is it only me feeling that? 

  • I've just ordered some Bose QuietComfort headphones, and they should arrive on Tuesday. If I remember, I'll drop an update about my experience with them after I've used them for a couple of days.

  • I've now had them a couple of days, and they are amazing. When I first put them on, I do get that "underwater effect", but once they are actually turned on this goes away. They have active noise cancelling, and via the app you can customise the strength of this, and set presets for what you are doing. On its lowest, you can still have conversations and it only makes a small difference, on its highest I can have the heating on on full blast whilst in the car and I won't hear it whatsoever (I also won't hear the car's engine or almost anything else), so it makes a huge difference. The sound quality is also pretty great.

    There are various different QuietComfort headphones, mine are the BOSE QuietComfort SC.

  • Have Bose QCs too and they’re amazing. Instant anxiety relief Slight smile

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