Being invisible

I had numerous such situations in life, at school and work, when I say something, I report something is wrong, nobody listens and then when it’s too late, they are upset that I didn’t say anything. But I did. It was recently at work, a delivery came, there were many boxes and pallets, I took the delivery notes and entered them to the system, then I controlled the goods. 
I couldn’t control it in two packs from one company because there was no label with code and name and I honestly had no idea what it is, so I reported it to my manager. He said “oh good that it came!” And asked me to let know a manager from the department where the goods should go. So I did. I told them both, here is the thing, no description no code, I can’t check with the delivery note, if it’s correct pls help. Both said they will check it and it stood whole week in the warehouse, nobody has done anything about it, suddenly it turned out something was missing there. And I heard it’s my fault because I should be careful when putting the delivery notes into the system. I asked my manager frustrated, what I should pay attention to then? I reported everything to him and the other lady and it stood there whole week and now it’s my fault. He narrowed his gaze and didn’t say anything. I said next time when I see something from this company, I will do nothing, only leave the delivery note on his desk so he can do himself. 
another situation I had with a drank driver. It was done time ago. He came with the delivery note and I noticed that he smelled of alcohol. He complained that there are two more trucks and he had to wait. I said sorry, yeah, you have to wait. When he left, I waited few minutes for my manager to come, he was not in the office. As soon as I saw him, I told him there is a driver, smells of alcohol, he is waiting on the parking lot for loading. My manager giggled only and didn’t do anything about it. Later on it turned out he left further with unsecured goods on his truck. And my colleagues had fun of it and gossips got spread, and it turned out everything to be my fault because I didn’t report the drank driver on time. I was the only one worrying, overthinking and feeling guilty and of course accused of not doing enough or not being careful enough, not saying on time etc. I feel frustrated idk how NTs manage it, how they don’t care, and why it’s always me at fault. Sorry for the long post. Does anyone relate? How do you deal? I often hear that I talk and behave like a shy girl (I’m 36) and that I need to express myself more clearly, but idk how. 

  • I work for a "cash and carry" I can deal with just about everything I come across This in the past has led to some "run ins" with people who think I've over stepped, I'm really not fond of confrontation so I now just tend to quietly fix any problems that arise.

    Obviously I still need to keep management in the loop so they are not blindsided by anything unexpected, they do seem to trust that I will take the appropriate action.

    So when I speak to them it always seems they treat me as a bearer of bad news, so I get the rolling of eyes, mock indignation, sarcastic tone. Which in turn makes me less inclined to bring things up.

    Even though I loathe confrontation I will speak up and force an issue if it's not taken seriously, even though I find it counter intuitive and uncomfortable.

    As others have said "Damned if you do and damned if you don't."

  • I work for a "cash and carry" I can deal with just about everything I come across This in the past has led to some "run ins" with people who think I've over stepped, I'm really not fond of confrontation so I now just tend to quietly fix any problems that arise.

    Obviously I still need to keep management in the loop so they are not blindsided by anything unexpected, they do seem to trust that I will take the appropriate action.

    So when I speak to them it always seems they treat me as a bearer of bad news, so I get the rolling of eyes, mock indignation, sarcastic tone. Which in turn makes me less inclined to bring things up.

    Even though I loathe confrontation I will speak up and force an issue if it's not taken seriously, even though I find it counter intuitive and uncomfortable.

    As others have said "Damned if you do and damned if you don't."

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