Surviving the Hornet's nest

This afternoon, I went to Lidl in town; getting oranges. It opened at 1 pm, but customers were allowed in at 12:50 pm. While waiting for the till to start, at one, the Christmas Music was on - Michael Bublé - and there were chocolate Santas; next to the till.

I had a bit of crack, with the other ones waiting, before I was allowed to get my oranges paid. But it still outlines the overkill of the Festive Period.

Parents Reply
  • Dear Nemo,

    Desmond is also VERY VERY Gaelic in origin !!

    Like you, I would use craic for crack in this instance......but I wouldn't tell a fish how to swim.

    Please rest assured that I mention these things for clarification, and to avoid unnecessary confusion - I am sorry if my good intentions in this regard are misplaced - we're all autistic here !!

    All the best to both you and Desmond.

