Surviving the Hornet's nest

This afternoon, I went to Lidl in town; getting oranges. It opened at 1 pm, but customers were allowed in at 12:50 pm. While waiting for the till to start, at one, the Christmas Music was on - Michael Bublé - and there were chocolate Santas; next to the till.

I had a bit of crack, with the other ones waiting, before I was allowed to get my oranges paid. But it still outlines the overkill of the Festive Period.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Nemo.

    Desmond is Irish.  He is an Irish man.  He lives in Ireland.  He is surrounded by Irish people.

    This was the only point I was trying to make.

    Accordingly, his choice of word being "crack or craic", seems appropriate for him to choose.

    My reference to fish, was merely my "Numberish" way of trying to explain these things.

    I hope that clarifies things.......and once again, I apologise if I have not commented wisely.

