Surviving the Hornet's nest

This afternoon, I went to Lidl in town; getting oranges. It opened at 1 pm, but customers were allowed in at 12:50 pm. While waiting for the till to start, at one, the Christmas Music was on - Michael Bublé - and there were chocolate Santas; next to the till.

I had a bit of crack, with the other ones waiting, before I was allowed to get my oranges paid. But it still outlines the overkill of the Festive Period.

  • By my calculation, approximately one sixth of my allotted time on this planet is pervaded and invaded by a concept known as "Christmas."

    I'm not absolutely sure what "Christmas" means these days......I just know that the bulk of that period is filled with irritation, inconvenience (for me and my chosen life) plus the demand for "the masses" to engorge themselves with consumerism and enforced merriment (neither of which I engage with personally.)

    I like "Christmas" (by my definition).....but it appears that my definition of "Christmas" is a bit like my definition of a "telephone" MASSIVELY out-of-date.

    A telephone is no longer a thing used to speak with people remotely.

    Christmas is no longer a limited period of rest + a time for enjoyment and fun (aka crack, by the Irish definition) with family and/or friends, if you are lucky enough to have these things.

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  • I enjoyed Die Hard (the original) and Moonlighting before it (thus truly dating myself there!)

    .....So I am living proof that Die Hard was not to blame for our current position.

    Yippee Ki Yay Mother****er.

    [Disambiguation - I'm not being rude here, just quoting the most famous line from Die Hard, for those who don't know the film.]