What do you do when

Other poster's really annoy you? Do you snap back, step away from the pooter or just let the smug b'stards get away with it?

  • Probably it's best to count to ten, sometimes easily said than done. Last year, on a Sunday, someone running a page wrote to tell me other members had been complaining about my posts, which admittedly were to promote a series of artworks made into cards. Normally, the accepted number of times to do this is once a week. But as no one else had been using the page to make posts, maybe it did look lie rather a lot. As she disaplrovingly said. She said some members were planning to leave the page all because of my egregious spamming.

    I freaked out I'm afraid and declared in high dudgeonnI I was leaving, and I hoped her petty litzle in group could all have the peace they craved. A few days later she got her choice last words in, but I reminded her she had set no guidelines, coming on down in full judgement like a ton of bricks. 

  • Probably it's best to count to ten, sometimes easily said than done. Last year, on a Sunday, someone running a page wrote to tell me other members had been complaining about my posts, which admittedly were to promote a series of artworks made into cards. Normally, the accepted number of times to do this is once a week. But as no one else had been using the page to make posts, maybe it did look lie rather a lot. As she disaplrovingly said. She said some members were planning to leave the page all because of my egregious spamming.

    I freaked out I'm afraid and declared in high dudgeonnI I was leaving, and I hoped her petty litzle in group could all have the peace they craved. A few days later she got her choice last words in, but I reminded her she had set no guidelines, coming on down in full judgement like a ton of bricks. 

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