What does "Indefinately" mean?

Words are not my thing. I know "Definately", but someone I know has recently said they are having a lot to cope with so won't be online indefinately. 

Does this mean they won't be online again?

Or does it mean something else? 

Words and meanings of words are not my thing and I dare not ask as I don't want to add to this persons stress. Any idea what this means?

Bear in mind that complex words don't work when I try to get my heads round meanings, as often people use more complicated words to explain as I then go round in circles trying to work out the other words as well!

  • Indefinitely means that the situation (in this case, being offline) will continue until the person ends it, but they don't know when that will be.

  • Thank you so much for an explination that makes sense! Greatful.

    I actually have a higher than average I.Q. but I with a kind of limited vocabluary.  I am a great visual thinker.

    My mum thinks in words, but then goes too deep in explaining, so I end up with several other words I need to work out what they mean! Dictionaries do the same thing for me! 

    You have just the right way of explaining!  Thanks!

  • You are welcome. I'm qualified as a teacher of English language for adult students, so if you have any more questions just post them here and I'll try to help.

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