Navigating websites, preferences in design styles

I'm a design student learning to build a website for the autistic community, would like to know a bit more about your surfing habits and personal preferences when it comes to a website's colour palette, menus..etc Please feel free to share any interesting stories, opinions, suggestions or frustrations and problems you would like to see resolved on a website! 

  • Something simple, clear, plain and idiot proof, in a clear font, preferably comic sans and no migraine inducing colours. Something without links throughout the text, no emoji's,or video's, information aimed at adults who live outside of the M25. FAQ's that actually tell you more than the person who wrote that page is an idiot!

    I don't really use websites very much, I'm a digital alien and a total technoklutz who resents it being assumed that because I'm ASC I MUST be good with tech and want everything to be remote. I don't have a smart phone, whats app and other social media.

    I would like to be able to use the names of common garden birds without being cencored, some people maybe a sense of offence looking for somewhere to manifest, but most of us aren't and would like to be able to hold a conversation without having to guess at what was meant.

    That will do for now, or I'll put you off for good!

  • Something simple, clear, plain and idiot proof, in a clear font, preferably comic sans and no migraine inducing colours. Something without links throughout the text, no emoji's,or video's, information aimed at adults who live outside of the M25. FAQ's that actually tell you more than the person who wrote that page is an idiot!

    I don't really use websites very much, I'm a digital alien and a total technoklutz who resents it being assumed that because I'm ASC I MUST be good with tech and want everything to be remote. I don't have a smart phone, whats app and other social media.

    I would like to be able to use the names of common garden birds without being cencored, some people maybe a sense of offence looking for somewhere to manifest, but most of us aren't and would like to be able to hold a conversation without having to guess at what was meant.

    That will do for now, or I'll put you off for good!

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