Recently diagnosed as an adult

I am 25 years old and was diagnosed on the 1st August 2024. I just received my draft report today and this website was recommended to me and it seems nice so far. So I guess this post is just to say hello! Some of my interests are birds, bees, photography, harry potter and gaming.

  • Welcome, April! I had a draft report before the real one, and got to correct any mistakes and stuff. I felt like I was a human being in the process and not a lab rat.

    I like gaming and there are other people with your other interests. I like Harry Potter, but more because of others in the family. I used to like photography but my eyes aren't what they used to be. 

    Hope to see you around here!

  • Yeah I have the chance to correct any mistakes etc but I don't think that there are any, I also feel like I'm being treated like a human rather than some sort of alien.. I'm up for chatting about gaming if you ever feel up to it!

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