Sensory Issues surrounding glasses


My husband is autistic and he had a meltdown about 4 months ago that resulted in his breaking his glasses and it took us about a month to replace his glasses with ones that actually felt comfortable to him it took a couple rounds. But by that time he was not used to glasses anymore (he has wore them most of his life with little issue) so now he has been having a hell of a time dealing with the sensory issues surrounding getting used to glasses again. He has not been able to wear them more than 45 minutes at a time, and he has a very strong prescription so they feel too heavy on his face and going from very blurry vision to being able to see in HD is sensory overload as well. Any tips for how to help with the heavy feeling or getting used to things again? 

  • you may have to drop a bit more grizby than expected, but go shopping for the perfect pair(s). One thing you can do is discuss the issue with the optometrist and get different pairs of varying strength. I have 3 pairs. He can switch as the over load dictates or let the world be soft and friendly with none at all.

    I have the same issue. and used to "loose" glasses regularly that adults bought for me, looking to get, seemingly the ones that most resemble pop bottle bottoms - Or the dreaded horn-rims. they gave up and I got my own years later in adult hood when I had agancy.

    I Also now with hearing aids - the same overload issue came up. I can turn them up and down. they are fantastic.

  • you may have to drop a bit more grizby than expected, but go shopping for the perfect pair(s). One thing you can do is discuss the issue with the optometrist and get different pairs of varying strength. I have 3 pairs. He can switch as the over load dictates or let the world be soft and friendly with none at all.

    I have the same issue. and used to "loose" glasses regularly that adults bought for me, looking to get, seemingly the ones that most resemble pop bottle bottoms - Or the dreaded horn-rims. they gave up and I got my own years later in adult hood when I had agancy.

    I Also now with hearing aids - the same overload issue came up. I can turn them up and down. they are fantastic.

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