Favourite lyrics to a song?

I couldn't possibly pick an all time favourite, but here's some that spring to mind.

"Why did God make me feel there is more to be answered? Maybe God cannot remedy our souls if he tried?" - Kamelot, "Farewell"

"No one surveys the whole. Focus on things so small. But, life's objective is to make it meaningful." - Epica, "Sensorium"

"Horrifying fecal demons/ Rising up out of the caverns below/ Dark robotic astral zombies/ Eating the peasants who live in Glasgow." - Gloryhammer, "The Siege of Dunkeld" (from Glasgow, I laugh every time)

"I've got this madman in my mind, this prolific designer. And he's working overtime, and he gets all wired up." - Poets of the Fall, "Drama for Life"

"'No reason to get excited.' the thief he kindly spoke, 'There are many here among us, who think that life is but a joke." - Jimi Hendrix, "All Along the Watchtower".

  • Oh gosh, where to start. 

    "You lock the door, and throw away the key, there's someone in my head but it's not me" Pink Floyd.

    "Two lovers missing the tranquility of solitude" The Jam

    "I have all of life's treasures, and they're fine and they're good, they remind me a house isn't just made of wood" Tom Waits

    "Let there be songs to fill the air" Grateful Dead

    "Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies" Jimmy Cliff

    "Deep down I'm still an awkward kid, I'm not half the man I thought that I'd grow up to be" Mega City Four 

    "F**k you I won't do what you tell me" RATM.

    "I guess I just wasn't made for these times" Beach Boys

    I will stop. I could do this all night

  • ripple has great lyrics!

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