What have you been up too today?

I've had a long walk with my dog, then I went and tried to find something to tell my DiL to get me for xmas, she wants our lists early so as she can do her financial planing. I've been to the library and the garden centre, where I got a pack of free daffodil bulbs.

I think tomorow will be spent gardening

  • Sitting in the sun and getting insulted on the internet.  As a small boy I thought life would be more than this.

  • This ie why I quit fb etc full of people who have to be right and their opinion has to be fact same with the yt comments section people like that who insult people online need to go outside tbh

  • TBH, arguing is a form of non-physical combat.

    Some people, LIKE to fight physically!

    I'm thinking, boxers, MMA people, my younger brother on a saturday night.

    Some people LIKE to have a good old internet argument..

    During Fukushima (which concerned me, greatly, especially wehn my background count at my flat increased by a factor of 45 one evening...) Whilst looking for information I ended up on a financial blog by the name of "ZeroHedge" where a contributor somehow had the accurate information as to what was ocurring over there in Japan. I rapidly found out that particular website was run along the lines of a "Fight club" where the comments section was a complete free for all, and anything was allowed to be said.

    Essentially, participating there was something of a trial of mental strength, and a legitimate place where one could go and test and your philosphical stamina. 

    I was eight years off finding out that I had the 'tism but I knew that life seemed to be well seasoned with argumentative and hurtful people, and to have an "reserved area" available where one could really STUDY and practice the techniques, (of both combat and peacemaking) I really liked.

    Doubly so, because I got to really see life from other more "alien" perspectives and representations, which occasionally forced me to rethink my own position or attitude. It's been censored now, some years back, and the naked expressions of racial and other hatred has been eliminated. A good thing you all say, but for me, occasionally I'd find that a political or other idea that I'd half "taken on board", when openly expressed by a "hater", quickly had it's poisonous fruit exposed. 

    Seeing that everywhere else on the internet, is not so good at all. 

  • At one point I did have an absolutist view of free speech.  It was the riots that pushed me to take a slightly less libertarian position. Chaos scares people.  I think ultimately who is in power should be decided via elections. Not violence.

  • Life became a warzone, through a litany of defamation, ridicule and rejection.

    It was never-ending wash, rinse, repeat until the savage dogs were let loose.

    Society gradually reflected Germany, during the Weimar Republic, and people were oblivious to it.

  • Life became a warzone, through a litany of defamation, ridicule and rejection.

    It was never-ending wash, rinse, repeat until the savage dogs were let loose.

    Society gradually reflected Germany, during the Weimar Republic, and people were oblivious to it.

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