Overcoming hoarding at home

  • Seeking tips (hacks) and experiences of other asd adults - how have you managed to dispose of excess items at home, where the volume has become troublesome? I have started taking action and donated a few items but the process has stalled because I’m ambivalent about letting things go. Help please ! 
  • I have the opposite issue of donating almost everything (well this isn’t true, but if it doesn’t serve me anymore I get rid), as too much stuff gets me overwhelmed/there is more clutter for when it comes to cleaning (my least favourite task).

    However I definitely used to be on the other end of that spectrum, where I used to keep Every little thing (at one point I used to collect bus tickets and receipts of days out as a child, etc etc)!! I think as someone said therapy really helps! I think because I had a late diagnosis, I thought if I healed the root of all my hoarding fixations I would be fixed.. little did I know! 

    But other things that help me motivate me to let go is watching decluttering videos. As I sometimes don’t think it’s gotten that bad, and see cases of extreme hoarding that I believe I would never be that bad. Then they start to name issues I have and then I have a sort of external wake up call! Also maybe getting someone that is caring and empathetic to help with the process. As it’s such an emotional process.
    * Marie Kundo, helped as well as a gateway

    * The Carla Project, on YouTube 

    * For the extreme ones TLC shows and just YouTube ‘extreme hoarding clearing’

  • I have the opposite issue of donating almost everything (well this isn’t true, but if it doesn’t serve me anymore I get rid), as too much stuff gets me overwhelmed/there is more clutter for when it comes to cleaning (my least favourite task).

    However I definitely used to be on the other end of that spectrum, where I used to keep Every little thing (at one point I used to collect bus tickets and receipts of days out as a child, etc etc)!! I think as someone said therapy really helps! I think because I had a late diagnosis, I thought if I healed the root of all my hoarding fixations I would be fixed.. little did I know! 

    But other things that help me motivate me to let go is watching decluttering videos. As I sometimes don’t think it’s gotten that bad, and see cases of extreme hoarding that I believe I would never be that bad. Then they start to name issues I have and then I have a sort of external wake up call! Also maybe getting someone that is caring and empathetic to help with the process. As it’s such an emotional process.
    * Marie Kundo, helped as well as a gateway

    * The Carla Project, on YouTube 

    * For the extreme ones TLC shows and just YouTube ‘extreme hoarding clearing’

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