Any night owls around these days?

It's a question I asked a long time ago, but who knows how many new members have joined since then. I'm up all kinds of hourse due to sleep difficulties, so wondering who else might be around during the witching hours.

  • I struggle to sleep my whole life. I often hear “what is the problem just close your eyes and sleep!” For me if I sleep good one night without waking up, it’s a really good night and it happens rarely. Intestinal problems also accompany me since ever. Interesting if it has anything to do with autism or nothing at all. 

  • I struggle to sleep my whole life. I often hear “what is the problem just close your eyes and sleep!” For me if I sleep good one night without waking up, it’s a really good night and it happens rarely. Intestinal problems also accompany me since ever. Interesting if it has anything to do with autism or nothing at all. 

  • There's a lot of things we realise, I think, that we always thought were normal, but are actually symptoms of our ND conditions. I never knew sleep came that easily to most people. Never realised how bad my memory is until people started referring to conversations that I don't remember happening.

  • I think it can be related. Stomach issues - if you get bloating/churning that keeps you awake look into reducing FODMAPs (you can do an elimination diet which finds out which of the FODMAPs you are sensitive to. This university is the best site to look at: monashfodmap dot com. It changed my life. They also have an app, so you can look up foods. All real science too.

    It doesn't help with rumination though, obviously, which also keeps me awake.