Do you think its possible that...

Your job/purpose hasn't been invented yet, I mean what woiuld someone like Bill Gates have done if computers hadn't been in their early mass market stages when he was a teenager? Is it possible that for some of us our "thing" is waiting to be invented?

  • I kind of think the world has changed too much for my job to work like I was a street musician and guitar teacher .. people seem to value street music much less with having instant access to music and people get lessons online now so I went to work retail which I enjoy dont get me wrong but i do miss it sometimes playing some music for an hour having a blast and on bad days making 3 pounds or so for a whole day on good days I could do a 3 hour day and make 60 pounds 

    Plus also people only see you as a good singer if you have perfect tone they seem to ignore harmonics and being able to hold a tune 

  • I kind of think the world has changed too much for my job to work like I was a street musician and guitar teacher .. people seem to value street music much less with having instant access to music and people get lessons online now so I went to work retail which I enjoy dont get me wrong but i do miss it sometimes playing some music for an hour having a blast and on bad days making 3 pounds or so for a whole day on good days I could do a 3 hour day and make 60 pounds 

    Plus also people only see you as a good singer if you have perfect tone they seem to ignore harmonics and being able to hold a tune 

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