Do you think its possible that...

Your job/purpose hasn't been invented yet, I mean what woiuld someone like Bill Gates have done if computers hadn't been in their early mass market stages when he was a teenager? Is it possible that for some of us our "thing" is waiting to be invented?

  • I love this idea.

    I think that my thing is in the past. I am jealous of the days of previous centuries when people could catalogue the stars with a simple telescope, or catalogue animal/plant species.

  • Peter, there are lots of things, like flint knapping which I only used as an example that are still needed, mostly iin the heritage sector for repairing old flint walled buildings. There are lots of things that are really skilled and those skills are in danger of dying out because nobody does them anymore. Things like thatching, coppicing, dry stone walling, but where does anyone go to learn these things? Especially if one lives in a city and has no nearby agricultural college where inspiration may be gained, how many schools or careers advisors would even think about suggesting such things. Even basketry an old craft is making a huge comeback due to people's preference for basket coffins as eco friendly and renewable, there's a real market for those skills, but where would one find out about them and would one be laughed at or discouraged by careers advisors Is there any funding for learning such skills?

  • Peter, there are lots of things, like flint knapping which I only used as an example that are still needed, mostly iin the heritage sector for repairing old flint walled buildings. There are lots of things that are really skilled and those skills are in danger of dying out because nobody does them anymore. Things like thatching, coppicing, dry stone walling, but where does anyone go to learn these things? Especially if one lives in a city and has no nearby agricultural college where inspiration may be gained, how many schools or careers advisors would even think about suggesting such things. Even basketry an old craft is making a huge comeback due to people's preference for basket coffins as eco friendly and renewable, there's a real market for those skills, but where would one find out about them and would one be laughed at or discouraged by careers advisors Is there any funding for learning such skills?

  • So indeed some jobs are just obscure not extinct. But those skills are mostly vocational, only taught by doing with a masters supervision ... as such aprentiship is the only really practical way to learn and only those with access to a master can really expect to do some. Its the rareaty of those qualified to teach that is the greater obstical because by definition the world only needs a handfull of such people. I would be less worried about goverment funding and more woried about employment law. You can only take on an aprentis between 16-18 if you have a training orgonisation that offers a qualification to go with the aprentiship. You can't do a t level or city and guilds course in flint knapping hence no one of school age can do them as aprentiships. That's true for a lot of these obscure skills.

    That said this is rather tangental. Because we were talking about jobs that don't exist yet not ones that are obscure or obsoleat.