Do you think its possible that...

Your job/purpose hasn't been invented yet, I mean what woiuld someone like Bill Gates have done if computers hadn't been in their early mass market stages when he was a teenager? Is it possible that for some of us our "thing" is waiting to be invented?

  • We all have certain aptitudes and had Gates not done what he did, he might have found success elsewhere. I think some of it is down to personal outlook and whether you see yourself as lucky. Some people are more optimistic than others. It might also come down to your environment and upbringing. Some are more fortunate and have better opportunities than others. I don't think we have one fixed life purpose either. And it also might be that your purpose, as you suggest, isn't to do with anything material which has or hasnt yet been invented, but rather ideas, language and people.

    This is all hypothetical, of course.  

  • We all have certain aptitudes and had Gates not done what he did, he might have found success elsewhere. I think some of it is down to personal outlook and whether you see yourself as lucky. Some people are more optimistic than others. It might also come down to your environment and upbringing. Some are more fortunate and have better opportunities than others. I don't think we have one fixed life purpose either. And it also might be that your purpose, as you suggest, isn't to do with anything material which has or hasnt yet been invented, but rather ideas, language and people.

    This is all hypothetical, of course.  

  • I agree that we don't all have one fixed purpose in life, we can have many and not work related, but it does seem that some people arrive on this planet with a vocation or at the right time. I guess too that it will in part be about your personal circumstances, are you encouraged by parents and teachers, how well educated you are, do you have the money to indulge your interests? I think to many of us are put in boxes of what others expect us to be sble to achieve according to parental wealth, post code, class, let alone what abilities we have, so much seems to be what we're allowed to have by others, both family and wider society.