What do you think about the idea that autistic people should have our own state

I am curious because there is an actual (online) movement for this which I am a part of and I am interested in your opinions

  • I’d rather have the choice to live in a quiet area, with no kids allowed. Then all of the noisy people can go live in a noisy area and leave me the hell alone. 

  • Same but NTs will never leave us alone unless we defend ourselves.

  • There’s AH nt’s and AH nd’s. All humans seem to want to do is divide into weird little groups of people and hate on other groups. 

    I struggle immensely with noise, but unfortunately some nd’s are sensory seeking and are loud. Living in a nd only area wouldn’t fix that. But there are people that like to live a quiet life, I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable that towns could have different living areas. You wanna let your kids scream all day while you hammer and listen to loud music? Cool, you go live in that area where other people like doing the same. You like it when it’s quiet and wanna sit in your garden relaxing to distress, that’s cool too, you can go in live in this part of town where all your neighbours feel the same way. 

  • Aside from any political ideologies, what worries me about this is the danger that if leftist or globalist (fascist) dictators got wind of this idea, we could see some of them wanting to segregate autistic people into camps (where even the concept of a “gay village” is itself problematic in some ways) - we know from history that things like this do not end well and we have also seen how migrant groups stick to their own kind, one example of which has always been Irish Travellers - even my native Ireland in its history has struggled to uphold the Catholic faith and after 1922, we Irish almost achieved the dream of having an Irish Catholic state, which unravelled with Vatican II after the 1960’s right up to the present day, despite the huge efforts of the Irish people to hold onto the Catholic faith, which is so much a part of Irish identity among those of us Irish people of a certain generation 

  • All humans seem to want to do is divide into weird little groups of people and hate on other groups. 

    I certainly don't hate any NTs, I just don't want to live in a society made for them.

    I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable that towns could have different living areas

    Neither do I, in fact I think it's a necessity.

    I'm sorry for the confusion, I thought you meant you didn't think that separate living areas were compatible with an autistic nation.

  • All humans seem to want to do is divide into weird little groups of people and hate on other groups. 

    I certainly don't hate any NTs, I just don't want to live in a society made for them.

    I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable that towns could have different living areas

    Neither do I, in fact I think it's a necessity.

    I'm sorry for the confusion, I thought you meant you didn't think that separate living areas were compatible with an autistic nation.

  • Aside from any political ideologies, what worries me about this is the danger that if leftist or globalist (fascist) dictators got wind of this idea, we could see some of them wanting to segregate autistic people into camps (where even the concept of a “gay village” is itself problematic in some ways) - we know from history that things like this do not end well and we have also seen how migrant groups stick to their own kind, one example of which has always been Irish Travellers - even my native Ireland in its history has struggled to uphold the Catholic faith and after 1922, we Irish almost achieved the dream of having an Irish Catholic state, which unravelled with Vatican II after the 1960’s right up to the present day, despite the huge efforts of the Irish people to hold onto the Catholic faith, which is so much a part of Irish identity among those of us Irish people of a certain generation