What do you think about the idea that autistic people should have our own state

I am curious because there is an actual (online) movement for this which I am a part of and I am interested in your opinions

  • Interesting idea, but I don't see how it would work. Many autistic people live with ans/or are cared for by allistic people - if you only allow autistic people into this new state, you will be splitting up family units and most autistic people who have established relationships with carers would not want that to change, even if other autistic people in the state were able to take over caring for them.

    Perhaps an autism friendly village or town might work? One that allows autistic people and their families.to live there as long as they abide by certain rules? From my point of view, it would be great to live in a place where I knew the neighbours were not going to play loud music or cook smelly foods that force me to have to shut my windows in hot weather, the shops didn't play music or have tannoys, and there were no alarms.or sirens anywhere  (perhaps just flashing lights on emergency vehicles, and any alarm systems in premises had to be silent & linked to the local police station /private security firm) There could be clubs with those silent discos, where everyone wears headphones.

  • That's basically what I would envision the nation to be like. Of course families wouldn't have to necessarily be split up but allistics would have to be comfortable living in a society designed for autistic people.

  • That's basically what I would envision the nation to be like. Of course families wouldn't have to necessarily be split up but allistics would have to be comfortable living in a society designed for autistic people.

  • I am intrigued by the practical aspects of a society designed for autistic people,. Can you give specific examples? We are a varied bunch just like neurotypical people are. I'm asking out of sheer curiosity and the fact that some changes could possibly benefit all humans.