Is it only autists that have collections

Lots of people collect stuff, apart from dust it's not something I really do and I don't collect dust on purpose. But having seen the range and variety of stuff people collect are they all autistics? There was one guy on gardeners world last night who had over 4,000 pitcher plants and breeds aloes.

Is it only autists who collect stuff, does anyone know any NT's who are collectors?

  • When I was in elementary school, almost every boy (me included) collected Pokémon cards. It’s unlikely that they were all autistic. 

  • I just really don't understand the whole collecting thing and I've tried, I've tried collecting African Violets, but that was more to try and get along with my then husbands family who kept giving them to me. My then father in law kept trying to get me to collect stamps and coins too, which I didn't he collected toby jugs too, which I would quite happily use as target practice, horrible things.

    My Mum has a collection of owls, she does like owls, but people keep giving them to her as presents, I don't think she's gone out and bought a single one. Like me, she's a woman of simple needs and tastes and xmas and birthday become a bit of a trial to find something she likes. She's said no more ornaments, but people still keep buying them.

  • Collections are probably only fun if it’s something you’re interested in. But it’s not a bad thing to not collect, they can get expensive and take up space, etc

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