Is it only autists that have collections

Lots of people collect stuff, apart from dust it's not something I really do and I don't collect dust on purpose. But having seen the range and variety of stuff people collect are they all autistics? There was one guy on gardeners world last night who had over 4,000 pitcher plants and breeds aloes.

Is it only autists who collect stuff, does anyone know any NT's who are collectors?

  • My step dad, who is NT has collection of watches, he used to collect other stuff too in the past. As for me - I used to collect my own works. I had a big collection of my own tram line schemes, with whole infrastructure and timetables, then I drew house plans, there were also little paper dolls (around 10 cm tall) - these were my collections from childhood and adolescence. I used to dir hours and do these things. There were also whole notebooks filled with all sorts of data that I myself created I don’t understand for what other than for some sort of pleasure although I often was tired of doing it (EAN codes and names of products, names, telephone numbers and addresses, passport photos - portraits that I drew) etc. I come from poor family so I had no possibility to collect stuff that you can buy. But I also had a collection of stones found in the street or park. Ah and collections of photos of trams - forms cards, newspapers etc. I loved to also find some information about them and write which model, year of production and any other data that I could find. 

  • My step dad, who is NT has collection of watches, he used to collect other stuff too in the past. As for me - I used to collect my own works. I had a big collection of my own tram line schemes, with whole infrastructure and timetables, then I drew house plans, there were also little paper dolls (around 10 cm tall) - these were my collections from childhood and adolescence. I used to dir hours and do these things. There were also whole notebooks filled with all sorts of data that I myself created I don’t understand for what other than for some sort of pleasure although I often was tired of doing it (EAN codes and names of products, names, telephone numbers and addresses, passport photos - portraits that I drew) etc. I come from poor family so I had no possibility to collect stuff that you can buy. But I also had a collection of stones found in the street or park. Ah and collections of photos of trams - forms cards, newspapers etc. I loved to also find some information about them and write which model, year of production and any other data that I could find. 

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