Bits and bobs, this and that

I thought I'd start a more general thread where we can just post little things, like how our day has been, funny incidents etc that don't need much in the way of answer, but just everyday nonsense.

I'm covered in little catty claw pin *** marks, from newly returned Boris cat reaching up and trying to pull my trousers down! He's realised that one of the best ways to get a human to do what he wants is to stretch up and stick his claws into the fabric of your trousers just below your bum and then sit down taking the trousers with him. If you're wearing a skirt of nightie he grabs hold of the hem and shakees it!

I'm to hot, I hope it will cool down soon, I'm having trouble sleeping.

I'm reading a really interseting book by Professor Dame Sue Black, called All That Remains and is about the skeleton and what it tells forensic anthropologists. Some of you might know her from TV, things like History Cold Cases.

  • Spent the last 4 days repairing the parquet flooring in a house a close friend has just bought - tomorrow will see the end of the job.

    Spent 3 days on my hands and knees cutting around individual wooden blocks that were loose to get them up, clean the floor and the block, set it beside the hole it came out of and  then 1 day of going back round gluing them back into place.

    Tomorrow will glue the last rooms worth in place and I can book the sander to strip it all back before the final sealant coats.

    I hope my fingernails eventually get clean again!

  • Thanks Mark, I got the book wrong, it's Written in Bone, All That Remains was her previous book, both good books. The dog sounds like she's doing a typical dog thing of trying to make you her friend and make the best of it all, maybe she does think that if she has to be away from her family then she'd perfer to be with you than in kennels or something? You sound like a good dog sitter.

    Iain I feel for you with the parquet, not an easy or pleasant job, but so worth it at the end. Have you tried scratching a bar of soap to stop gunge getting under your nails? I know some people do this when gardening, I don't as I can't stand the feeling of my nails being "full"

  • Have you tried scratching a bar of soap to stop gunge getting under your nails?

    Top tip - I'll give that a try. I have some brick walls to demolish, concrete floors to lift and more parquet to create from scratch in the next few weeks so this will be put to the test.

    Thank you.

  • Have you tried scratching a bar of soap to stop gunge getting under your nails?

    Top tip - I'll give that a try. I have some brick walls to demolish, concrete floors to lift and more parquet to create from scratch in the next few weeks so this will be put to the test.

    Thank you.

  • I would love a green pesto coloured fur coat.

  • How can you leave pesto long enough that it grows a fur coat?

    Maybe you could use it as a culture for penicillin - that way you can self cure any infections.

    Or turn yourself into someone from "The Last of Us" TV series - depending on what fungus is growning.

    Anyway, I digress - a big chest (keep it down ) freezer is the way to go.

  • I'm starting to think I need a bigger freezer, we have so many raspberries! Almost a whole freezer drawer full and they're not done yet. Mum like to have fresh fruit on her cereal so they won't go to waste.

    My aubergene curry was very nice, but I need to tweek it a bit.

    How can you leave pesto long enough that it grows a fur coat?

    Mark can you not get pro-biotic powder?

  • I've been cooking today,

    That is one of the great things about this time of the year in the UK - so much fruit and veg is appearing in the markets at low prices so you can do lots of this sort of thing.

    I love to do big batches of roast veg and freeze them in smaller portions to bring out when doing meals where a side dish is nice. I even learned that you can do a big tray of caramelised onions in the oven (takes ages in a pan and often burns if you don't keep an eye on it) so it is great for French onion soup and for adding to things like cooked liver.

    For fruit it is even better - I chop up apples, pears, plums or whatever is cheap and plentiful and add some sweetener to make a sort of fruit stew. Freeze it in portion sized containers and defrost to have with Greek yogurt - delish!

    You can freeze enough for as long as your freezer keeps the food (up to 3 months in a chest freezer) if you have the space.

  • Lestat, you would, wouldn't you, I do that sort of thing all the time, dyslexia can be such fun at times, do have dyslexic hearing too?

    Boris cat has been sleeping off his adventures, I get told to sit down and have nothing on my lap so as he can sit on me, I get told to go to bed so as he can come and snuggle up, he likes me taking Fearn dog out as it means treats when we get home. Muriel cat is nick named Little Worm as she sleeps under the blanket on Mums bed and has to be poked to wake her up, then she worms her way out from the blanket for her treat.

    I've been cooking today, I've made an aubergene curry, and a potato and cashew curry, I will have a lot more cooking to do this week as I've eaten nearly everything in the freezer. I batch cook and cook about 6 or 8 portions in one go and then box them up and freeze them. I think the next week is going to be busy.