Is there any other Autistic Avatar Fans?

Hello there!.

I'm new to this website so I thought I'd make a post.

I'm a very big fan of the Avatar franchise (not the last airbender although I like that one too), it's been one of my special interests since I first watched the film in 2017. I was born in 2006 so I never got to see the movie when it first came out.

There's a big hidden fan community for the movies online, places like kelultral and the official avatar discord server (there's a few others like tree of souls but they aren't as active anymore.)

I think a lot of people don't know that there's more to this franchise than just the movies, there's comics, games and crazy in depth scientifically plausible lore. I could talk for hours about the lore of this universe, there's even a fully learnable Na'vi language!.

Sorry for rambling, I just wanted to share my love for avatar on here, who knows, I'm maybe the first person on here with an Avatar themed profile lol.

Kìyevame ma Eylan ('goodbye my friends' in Na'vi)

  • Hi StarForce. Weekends seem to be quiet here, so don't be disappointed if there are few replies. I saw Avatar at the cinema when it came out with 3D glasses. I enjoyed the film and do not think 3D has been done better since. I'm not a fan like you, but I did enjoy the films.

  • Hi StarForce. Weekends seem to be quiet here, so don't be disappointed if there are few replies. I saw Avatar at the cinema when it came out with 3D glasses. I enjoyed the film and do not think 3D has been done better since. I'm not a fan like you, but I did enjoy the films.

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