How to define meltdown?

I was wondering how you know when you’re having a meltdown vs panic attack vs anxiety attack, etc. 

The only real difference that I understand between panic and anxiety attacks are panic attacks are sudden without a cause and are more intense, while anxiety attacks build up over time? I don’t know how you can rate the intensity unless you have something to compare to and I feel like something could be more intense to one person than another person. I think I’ve had a couple panic attacks in my life (where it was intense enough that it felt like the world was ending) but I’m not sure because those had reasons.

And then I have no basis for difference between meltdown and an attack. 

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  • its a over emotional stimulation which can make you either break down crying or lash out angrily. lack of emotional control, emotional explosion/reaction. can be caused by rumination of thought going round your head if one triggering thing really ticks you off and gets you upset and your always thinking of it in your head, or your always thinking of how a thing can go bad,

    Great way of explaining this. And really helps me identify when I have a meltdown. I was at a small gathering yesterday to watch the football, I don’t drink and don’t particularly like football. I was there with my family. It was a very late night and well past my social limit. I have not been great today, very emotional, crying for little reason and getting angry with myself for making very small mistakes at work. Luckily I work for myself and alone. I have also been skimming through all the conversations I was involved in, coming up with better answers after the event. 
    Panic attacks were such a common thing for me and plagued by it nearly every day of my life. Due to the embarrassment I used to hide it as well. There wasn’t always something specific that triggered this I just think life masking heavily was and is what caused this reaction. I know that now and I’m working very hard to be easier on myself and give myself time to regulate. Like I said I feel so much better mentally now the panic attacks have reduced significantly. Nearly 30 years of suffering and as soon as I start to accept who I am and my situation they are at a manageable level. 

    I hope it remains that way 

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