Words, do you like words?

Words fascinate me, I love them and I know so many and can even spell a few of them! I find different words give so much more texture and depth to what we say. I find the origins of words as interesting as the words themselves and the different uses for the same word although it can all get confusing when you have to work out which witch to use and weather/whether it will make a difference to waht you're saying.

Is English the only language to have so many similar words or words that change with context?

I also have a theory that that dialect words and accents follow the boundaries of the old Anglo-Saxon countries, if you look at a map of the original kingdoms pre Alfred the Great, then the variety of accents beccome more apparent. Of course i some areas such as the North East you have to factor in a large amount of Scandinavian words and accents too and along the borders of Wales.

Do you have favourite words and least favourite? I do't like the word "genre" mostly because it's hard to stop saying it and it ends up with a few extra "re-s" takcked on the end as you run out of breath whilst saying it.

I also gecome faascinated with "F" and "Ph", such as fantastic and phantasmagorical

  • I do like words and considered English to be one of my favourite subjects at school. In fact, it was probably the only subject I genuinely liked and looked forward to.

    At the beginning of the GCSE years, my English teacher had strongly recommended to the class that we equip ourselves with a thesaurus. For years, I considered my chunky Roget's Thesaurus to be like a Bible, and one of my most-treasured books. As I've gotten older, I'm aware that I have slipped into bad habits... Instead of using different words that mean the same thing to make what I'm saying or writing not seem boring and repetitive, I have become lazy.

    On the topic of words, whilst I have no issue with the word 'like', I have developed a dislike of how it is often used as a 'filler' word. An example of this being:

    I like went to the surgery, and the receptionist was like really abrupt with me, so I got like really upset.

    In terms of favourite words, I'm unable to think of any off the top of my head, or at least not any I could state here without being censored. From time to time I get enjoyment from making up words, which sometimes includes tweaking existing words. 

  • I do like words and considered English to be one of my favourite subjects at school. In fact, it was probably the only subject I genuinely liked and looked forward to.

    It was the same for me-every other subject was meh for me but English, there was always something special about it. Despite school being awful from start to finish-English almost made it worth it lol. 

  • I do like words and considered English to be one of my favourite subjects at school. In fact, it was probably the only subject I genuinely liked and looked forward to.

    It was the same for me-every other subject was meh for me but English, there was always something special about it. Despite school being awful from start to finish-English almost made it worth it lol. 

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