Who's going to write "None of the above" on their ballot paper tomorrow?

Does anyone else have the conviction that whoever wins the election tomorrow, nothing will really improve for us here in England?

  • I’m choosing not to vote at all, because voting is ineffective and worse still, doing so is enabling and supporting a corrupt criminal cartel that democracy and the democratic process has become, even with non-party or independent candidates - democracy and the democratic process, itself window dressing to give an illusion of choice, has always been vulnerable to and riddled with, even defined by, infiltration, deception and corruption of all kinds - we cannot vote our way out of our current situation, as even with purity of intention, even non-party and independent candidates cannot reform an already corrupt system from within, where leaders are “selected not elected” and further, there are no political solutions to our current problems, because our current political and “democratic” leaders are morally bankrupt - in any case pretty soon, it won’t matter anyway, because the globalists will simply appoint who they want into positions of power and will simply impose whatever measures that they deem fit to impose upon us without any reference to what we want - twice, the Irish people voted in a referendum as required by our Consitution to leave the EU and both the Irish government and the EU dismissed both referenda results - the EU is a globalist criminal cartel and many people in Ireland have said that Ireland’s membership of the EU and the UN among other international bodies, even with a referendum, is a material breach of the Irish Constitution - Mrs Thatcher during her term as PM (where she had to fight to get where she was in the Tories) hated the EU and it was leftist parties who got the U.K. into the EU in the first place 

  • Now you see I like your thinking so here is my thought why not try running or getting yourself set up.It is a lot of effort but dare i say it although he is marmite and I am no great fan Farage has worked as a disrupter and changed things

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