yet another job interview question about disclosing

Hi Everyone. 

I have a job interview tomorrow, I cant decide whether i should disclose or not, I've done  a search but I cant find a solid answer other than 'its good to' or its bad to'. 

Im applying for a part time a job in a supermarket, it says fully flexible shifts between 5am and 11pm.

I need a routine, they say they are fully flexible but I hear horror stories about managers not being able to organise a rota more than 3 days ahead. I really need a regular start time, and not to be given a different one each day.

Im also worried about being constantly messaged by a manger changing my shifts at short notice.

I also don't want to have to use an app for anything.. I often leave my phone it in the house when I go out. I'm not someone who has their phone hard wired and I see it as an intrusion. 

Legally do I have to disclose in the interview? will hitting them with 'demands' if I get the job make me a pariah?

should I say all this in the interview?

what would you do? I need a job but I don't need a breakdown. I worked there in the past and I left because of a member of staff bullying me (before I was diagnosed) but he's still there. Although to be honest the place I went to next was much worse and only having one person doing it would be a relief. 


  • should I say all this in the interview?

    Yes.  Explain that you do really want and/or need the job, but that you don't want it if that will result in them and/or you being unhappy and unproductive.  Tell them that you will be GREAT at this job if you can have the same start time.  Tell them that you want to be straight and honest with them ABOUT THE JOB.  Keep all the chatter ABOUT THE JOB.

    In terms of telling them your particular chosen or given labels, personally, I'm not sure that is ever a great idea, because "people" often either become "uppity", "cagey" or "suspicious" of MANY different labels these days.  Best to just present yourself, not try to explain your labels.

    These are just the personal ramblings of a mad persons's opinion - please therefore treat with caution.

    Good luck with the interview.


  • These are just the personal ramblings of a mad persons's opinion

    The question this raises, is what is sanity?

  • The question this raises, is what is sanity?


  • Worse.

    Yeah.  I agree.

    It's the 'sane' people who start wars and let the world burn up.

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