Clarification on the purpose of these forums.

Could anybody educate me as to what these forums are actually for? Thinking 

It's clear that what I thought the overall purpose was, and the reality wildly differ. 

Many thanks 

  • I approve of your comment, without specifically agreeing with the specifics of your agreement.....because as I previously stated.....I don't know the reason.

  • As Autistic people are human as with all humans there is a tendency for people to argue too much about minor disagreements and we need to unite more. We could do with advancing the living conditions of all Autistic people. It's fine in my opinion for people to explore their own particular problems here and unique interests, I'd also like to see more people organising to make things better for us all, with the caveat that I don't think anyone should feel they have to, only that I hope people can be enticed into seeing the benefits of doing so.

  • So you do not think debate should be encouraged? And opinions respected? 

  • it SERVES an EVIDENT purpose

    Spot on!

    The purpose is to provide a place for a hugely divergent bunch of people with shared traits and experiences to talk about stuff that interests them and to ask / answer questions relating to this.

  • I cannot do so.  Sometimes, the words are expressed, either to be understood, or to be disregarded.  I cannot govern which will unfold within which individual.

  • Please, expand on your thoughts. 

  • I do not believe this place NEEDS a particular stated purpose........because it SERVES an EVIDENT purpose, for some of us, who happen to be considered as autistic.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. 

  • Hi, 

    Thank you for your response. 

  • For me it allows me to share in a safe place with like minded people and also I hope I may be able to give some advice out with my experiences I personally find this forum very helpful

  • Hi, it’s hard to say, in my opinion it’s for:

    - communication between autistic people and others related to them (family, caregivers, spouses etc.) 

    - exchange of our experience and knowledge about the topic autism, neurodiversity or other topics of our interests 

    - asking questions and giving answers, advice 

    - for entertainment and relax (there are discussions for memes or sharing results of our creativity) 

    - for finding friends (maybe not always successful but there are some people who like exchanging private messages) 

    Other reasons? I might have missed something 

    for me this forum is a very important place, because here I found people who’s experience I relate to a lot and I actually found out I’m not alone. I’m not the only weirdo in this world doing weird things (stimming), I’m not the only clumsy one, suffering in noise and not being able to follow group chit-chat. This is very important for me and my self esteem.