It's easier to categorise the intelligence of a neurotypical person

IMO. Others may disagree. I've  been called everything from a genius to a fool. I've never come across a neurotypical

person with such differing opinions as to how intelligent they are. A situation can occur whereby you are deemed too intelligent to need help and support with x, and yet

not intelligent enough to make use of help with y.

  • I had a long career in biomedical research, published many papers and wrote 3 book chapters, but I cannot do mental arithmetic to save my life. I have no idea whether the change I get after buying something is correct. I think that autistic people tend to have a much higher degree of variation in skills than neurotypicals. I am almost tempted to say neurotypicals are mediocre at everything, but that would be just mean, and incorrect in some cases.Wink

  • With me it's geometry. Forever useless at it.

  • I'm OK at most maths if I have a pencil and paper, but totally useless without. Except for statistics, I just cannot grasp the concepts behind it - I can feed data into a statistics package, but that's about it.

  • I'm OK at most maths if I have a pencil and paper, but totally useless without. Except for statistics, I just cannot grasp the concepts behind it - I can feed data into a statistics package, but that's about it.

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