It's easier to categorise the intelligence of a neurotypical person

IMO. Others may disagree. I've  been called everything from a genius to a fool. I've never come across a neurotypical

person with such differing opinions as to how intelligent they are. A situation can occur whereby you are deemed too intelligent to need help and support with x, and yet

not intelligent enough to make use of help with y.

  • Definitely. I think the hardest thing is the spikey development and he assumption that if good enough in some areas, you should be good enough in other areas and the feeling of lacking moral fibre and effort if not. 

    I grew up very confused about this.

    I had therapy to help me realise I'm not lazy. I speak to many other extremely busy Neuro divergent people who think they are lazy. 

  • Definitely. I think the hardest thing is the spikey development and he assumption that if good enough in some areas, you should be good enough in other areas and the feeling of lacking moral fibre and effort if not. 

    I grew up very confused about this.

    I had therapy to help me realise I'm not lazy. I speak to many other extremely busy Neuro divergent people who think they are lazy. 

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