The Problem with Everything

Is that the system helped create an entire generation of isolationists, then forced them to conform.

It's about promoting the Brand. Post-War TV championed Standoffish US Individualism, while in the meantime creating Government-led Schooling. It convinced kids that life is a Warzone. This made them resentful, to the point where 'Counterculture' would flourish.

There was also the Increase of Street Gangs. The lack of a positive male role model, in the flesh, encouraged this turf war. Plus, it was the Mother, rather than the Father, who disciplined the child. Young men lost their sense of identity.

The two-pronged assault on the traditional way of life paved the way for this dystopia.

  • As someone who was a teenager in the 1980’s I tend to agree, having grown up in a little rural Irish village where I was beginning to realise where I might be gay, but also because of the traditional influences from my grandparents generation, where in the Catholic Ireland of the time, being gay was very much a taboo, was culturally unacceptable and was illegal, compared to how it is today - yet over the years, aside from what the left and the gay rights lobby were saying, I began to realise, accept, understand and believe, given the warnings and predictions from our grandparents generation before they passed in the 1980’s and from the older gay men of that same generation, who warned us what it would all lead to (our present situation) that the only way out of our present situation, speaking as an older gay man now, that the only way to resolve this is to return to traditional moral and social values at every level and in every area of our society, for the sake of future generations 

  • As someone who was a teenager in the 1980’s I tend to agree, having grown up in a little rural Irish village where I was beginning to realise where I might be gay, but also because of the traditional influences from my grandparents generation, where in the Catholic Ireland of the time, being gay was very much a taboo, was culturally unacceptable and was illegal, compared to how it is today - yet over the years, aside from what the left and the gay rights lobby were saying, I began to realise, accept, understand and believe, given the warnings and predictions from our grandparents generation before they passed in the 1980’s and from the older gay men of that same generation, who warned us what it would all lead to (our present situation) that the only way out of our present situation, speaking as an older gay man now, that the only way to resolve this is to return to traditional moral and social values at every level and in every area of our society, for the sake of future generations 

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