
My Son is seven going on eight, is becoming more independent, dressing himself, he can struggle but he won’t let anyone help him unless he asks.  This morning he wanted to put his own seatbelt on but he has some problems with fine motor skills so I took over and he had a tantrum.  How do I help him? 

  • I’m not sure if it’s gonna help or if you’ve tried that, but I as a kid was exactly same like your son. Didn’t want anyone to help me because I felt like less if someone helps me I wanted to do everything on my own. Maybe your son feels same, maybe the cause is different. In my case I couldn’t stand the fact that I’m bad at something and need help. What my mom did- she spoke to me many times and repeated that I’m not less or worse, but together we can do more and better and life is easier if I let sometimes someone help me. It finally started working. But it took time. Maybe you can also consult a therapist if you didn’t do it yet. 

  • I’m not sure if it’s gonna help or if you’ve tried that, but I as a kid was exactly same like your son. Didn’t want anyone to help me because I felt like less if someone helps me I wanted to do everything on my own. Maybe your son feels same, maybe the cause is different. In my case I couldn’t stand the fact that I’m bad at something and need help. What my mom did- she spoke to me many times and repeated that I’m not less or worse, but together we can do more and better and life is easier if I let sometimes someone help me. It finally started working. But it took time. Maybe you can also consult a therapist if you didn’t do it yet. 

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