Spiders from Mars

Apparently there are spiders on Mars. I read an interesting page on it this morning, found here: 


To be honest it reminded me of Ziggy Stardust the song by Bowie - the musician, not my cat Laughing - specifically this one line "And the Spiders from Mars" which is now going round and round my head and likely will be all day...

I've noticed when something like a song lyric is stuck in my head I'll randomly sing it out loud at different times. Sometimes when I'm in the queue at the shop, can be embarrassing lol. I wonder if it's a stim in a way? 

Or just me being weird as usual? Upside down

  • As the resident geology geek,

    I feel the need to share for those who did not read the article that these are not the living arachnid type of spiders

    They're fun geological structures caused by the sublimation (moving from solid to gas) of carbon dioxide, that make little star shaped structures

  • As the resident geology geek,

    I feel the need to share for those who did not read the article that these are not the living arachnid type of spiders

    They're fun geological structures caused by the sublimation (moving from solid to gas) of carbon dioxide, that make little star shaped structures

  • Thanks for explaining! Smiley  

    I read it but somehow still got creeped out lol. I think it's the word spider, sends shivers down me spine! 

    Lol, if you picture that as an elderly Irish lady that's exactly what my nan used to say when something scared her Laughing