Spiders from Mars

Apparently there are spiders on Mars. I read an interesting page on it this morning, found here: 


To be honest it reminded me of Ziggy Stardust the song by Bowie - the musician, not my cat Laughing - specifically this one line "And the Spiders from Mars" which is now going round and round my head and likely will be all day...

I've noticed when something like a song lyric is stuck in my head I'll randomly sing it out loud at different times. Sometimes when I'm in the queue at the shop, can be embarrassing lol. I wonder if it's a stim in a way? 

Or just me being weird as usual? Upside down

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  • ahh they maybe able to survive in a vacuum.... but they cant survive in a hoover vacuum lol

    was a huge one in my lounge, i decided the best bet was to vacuum it and then release it outside from my hoover but apparently hoovering them up insta kills them somehow... i dont get how it does as its a open hoover with no squashy bits or spinny bits, unless its the suction that takes the breath out of them at that size