
I love dogs.They are so comforting and have an aura of peace and calm about them. I like to sit with my dog and chill and be myself. She's does this really funny thing where she licks her nose and starts yapping excitedly lol 


Lol she's such a cutie Heart eyes 

I like dogs I think there just adorable and so much fun. Sometimes I'm sad because I don't have any friends but then I see her and how excited she is to see me and then I feel like I don't need any friends because I've got her.

  • There's a YouTube video from the tv series called QI. It's called QI Compilation | Best of Dogs.

  • ah, so the athletes of the canine persuasion.

  • Hounds are usually hunters, as opposed to shepherds, hounds tend to be longer legged and fast, attention is caught by sight, sometimes they're called gaze hounds as they're long sighted. My old greyhound Dogglet, used to see a dandilion clock in the distance and race off after it thinking it was a rabbit tail, then come back with a 'silly me' expression. In Germany they're called Windhunds I think. Hounds tend to be deep chested and have a huge lung capacity and their blood can be different too, retired racing dog Monty was a blood doner, the vet told me that they like greyhounds as blood doners as they have more red blood cells and the vets can dilute the blood for transfer without losing oxygenation.

  • You can politely say or explain that your an introvert or on the spectrum or some such to let them know not to assume you want to engage socially (or that you don't), that you are primarily there for the beasties, if your comfortable asserting yourself, that is.

  • What is the difference between a dog and a hound, please? this is new to me.

  • My brother has a whippet puppy. He is so sweet and calm. I can not have a pet with my living situation so tenuous but I would like to volunteer at the shelter if  ican get a ride back and forth. I want to be with the rabbits, birds, and dogs. I am allergic to cats, as much as I love them.

  • how is that going? I wish the best for the dear dog and thank you for your kind heart.

  • Ex-racing dogs often struggle with the concept of walking.  They know how to run (they were trained and practiced at that).... but walking = very rarely experienced.

    I like all the hounds.  Saluki are very pretty dogs, to my eye.  Lurchers are complex and interesting souls.  The shaking (of many) make me a bit sad, and there are common health probs often.

    Whippets are firm and loyal friends, for life.

    Just my experiential opinions.

  • Yes, that's exactly what I do. No need to socialise at all and spend as much time as poss with the dogs. If you try volunteering first then you will get a good idea of what it's like to work there without the commitment.

    I did have a few miscommunications / reading the situation wrongly when I first started (usual for me) but getting on with helping the dogs is what they want you for!

  • This sounds amazing Herge, you are one of the good ones Right facing fistLeft facing fist

  •  I've two, we got Herbert who's a Staffordshire bull terrier from the RSPCA in 2019, he was very shut down as he'd been previously owned by a dog hoarder and he'd been get in a cage for the 1st 4 years of his life. He'd never had an interaction with anything so everything was terrifying.

    After a couple of years we got him an emotional support Lurcher (Harper) to help him overcome some of his fears.

  • This site is super restrictive about image size and doesn't give you an error message, so try lowering the file size and trying again. Like under 1mb or something. 

  • Hello.

    My chihuahuas did you a selfie, but for some reason I can't post a photo???! Anyway, they're called Frida and Carlo and I am with them all the time. They really help me through life and are great to talk to in social situations!

    I know most people don't understand dogs and what they can mean to those of us who live with them. I am learning all the time and love interacting with them as another species, learning their language just as they learn mine. And then those times when you feel a deep connection with them, quietly.

    I try to give mine as best life as I can. I'm sure they find my very insular life boring, but they're the right breed for me as pretty weird and antisocial themselves!

    Love seeing everyone's pooches, I feel for dogs so strongly and worry about them, so seeing happy ones is reassuring Heart

  • Hi. I've been thinking about doing this, it's the only 'work' I can imagine trying now. When you say it's low pressure people-wise, would you say you can stay out of the social group and focus on the dogs? I worry that I'd immediately fall foul of someone wanting to engage me when all I really want to do is help the dogs.

  • I have a dog, she's a lurcher, a cross of whippet, greyhound and saluki, we've had her since she was 8 weeks old, she's nearly 5 now. We used to have rescue greyhounds, retired from racing, it's lovely to give them a proper home, although they can freak out at things like stairs which they may never have seen before and living in a house in general. They're such gentle dogs, and theres such a difference between hounds and dogs, it's like they speak a different doggy dialect.

  • Most dogs coming to the center don't have any history so you don't know what they are or where they are from.

    The most important thing is assessing their personality and looking after their individual needs..a good metaphor for life?

    I do like the bigger dogs though, there is something comforting about being sat on by a heavy beast!

  • Yeah she was happy but then started shaking soon after and we brought her back inside. She absorbs water like cotton. 

  • Hi Boika thank you. I'm so jealous you have such a lovely job looking after so many dogs and getting to be there for them. I would love to do that job when I'm older! What's your fav dog breed?

  • I think so too. They are always happy to see you no matter what and they'll spend hours with you it's amazing. Every day after school Lilly runs to the garden garden gate to meet me she's so excited I love it.

  • Aww she's adorable Heart eyes looks so happy playing in the snow. Our dog is called Lilly and yes they are so similar they could almost be twins couldn't they.