Songs that could be interpreted as about autism.

Just for fun. What are some songs that their lyrics could be interpreted as they're about autism? Or you always resonated with them regarding your autism experience?

I searched through my songs to find some, and it was harder than I thought 

1- De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da - by The Police - kind of a funny song

2- Conversation Piece - by David Bowie - This one's a bit negative and sad though 

  • Perhaps there's a case to be made that the beautifully melancholy 'Never Never' by The Assembly (Feargal Sharkey) is about masking only ever obliquely connecting with the social  experiences that come as frequently and naturally to neurotypicals as breathing. They seem to have it 'all worked out' because they don't, it's all an intuitive reflex taken for granted and not a strained ' this?' imitation, doomed to failure. 

  • Perhaps there's a case to be made that the beautifully melancholy 'Never Never' by The Assembly (Feargal Sharkey) is about masking only ever obliquely connecting with the social  experiences that come as frequently and naturally to neurotypicals as breathing. They seem to have it 'all worked out' because they don't, it's all an intuitive reflex taken for granted and not a strained ' this?' imitation, doomed to failure. 

  • I think I inadvertently there pushed the narrative that masking is an act of will and not in itself reflexive/learned. But hopefully the gist of what I meant was clear enough, I just don't like that it was insufficiently nuanced. 


    I just listened to it and I love it! The instruments are so beautiful sounding too. It also feels like my experience of being gay in a place where gay relationships are punished, I desire romance so much, I learn about and think about it a lot, I would know what to say if I were in a romantic situation, but at the end it's just a game and fantasy and might never happen and I think the reality that it might never happen hasn't even hit me hard enough yet. Thanks for sharing this beautiful song.