Project Garden Continues...

I finally got access back to my account - thank you NAS IT team x

And the weather is absolutely glorious today after about a month of wind and rain which meant I got to get back out in to the garden to clear the out the old stable barn.

Most of the rubbish in there is cleared out now at the front, but there's an awful lot of soil still scattered there. So I picked up my shovel and got digging today! About an hours work and the bricked flooring got to bask in the sunlight once again... :) 

I found this old bit of guttering buried under there.

And the end result of todays work.

It's amazing how good condition the brickwork is still in after all this time!

Overall I am very pleased with the progress I am making and so far it's doing me a lot of good personally as well with my mental health. I feel really well in that regard and it's been helping my fibromyalgia as well. I'm in a lot less pain.

I'll keep you posted on my progress with this. If the weather is good again then I'll be back at it again tomorrow! For now I'm off to rest.

Happy Wednesday all! X

Parents Reply Children
  • Sad that they were ever needed in the first place but fascinating all the same.

    I live near Portsmouth (my home city) and it was heavily bombed during the war.

    When I was growing up I played on bomb sites.

    There were shelters in a lot of gardens and I know some of the bombs fell local to where I live now as there's a modern house in our road where a bomb flattened  the original house (hence there were air raid shelters here too).