Misconceptions and myths about autism

Since my diagnosis later in life in 2021, I’ve come across a lot of misconceptions and myths about autism from people who purposely and deliberately refuse to understand anything about autism, refuse to be educated out of their ignorance and refuse to see things any other way nor in any other terms - for example, such people believe that people with autism must never be permitted to live alone without a live in carer regardless of the level of autism, regardless of any other circumstances and that the only way to manage autism is by means of ultra strict milltary style discipline as if we need to be made to fit in with “normal” society - and this also extends to their motivations for pushing us towards a diagnosis in the first place, to discredit and undermine us and as a tool of manipulation and psychological and emotional blackmail - post diagnosis, it is used as a “stick to beat us with” to dismiss and disregard everything we say as nonsense and “not understanding that we are wrong” in thier “infinite wisdom” because we are always deemed wrong by default in all situations, should we have the temerity, insolence and impudence “arrogance” to voice any opinion or view on any issue or situation “how dare we do so” 

  • There's always that attitude, here in Rural Ulster, about 'Something wrong with ye!' It's that paranoia about being taken advantage of, that we're denied the opportunity to learn from past mistakes.

    I had to go behind my Nan's back to begin branching out; with driving to certain locations. It wasn't easy at first, but I learned from it. I remember, one Friday, heading to the Patrick Kavanagh Centre in Inniskeen, while President Higgins was there. I went home via Dundalk and made a mess of the one-way system there. But, I was able to get the right lane for Newry, and Belfast, the next go. Again, I had to go behind Gran's back.

    Women in Ireland also have a tendency to weaponise grief. Whether it because of the Troubles, or cancer. They stop everything in our lives, just because they grieve.

    Just my two pence worth.

  • Some people’s interpretations of traditional Catholic Social Teaching is also a significant factor in this too 

  • Yes.

    For example, Papal infallibility was NEVER Church Teaching. It was a Directive from German Bishops; in the Mid Nineteenth Century. Catholic Bavaria was at loggerheads with Protestant Prussia. Which is the main reason America is screwed up, as Germans moved there during that time; in their droves.

  • In response to some people, I do believe that we have to respond firmly and assertively (once we have done our own research) that their ill-informed opinions are incorrect and not factual 

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