Repetition and routine

Do you love repetition too? Upside down 

Since I was little I've loved repetition. When I was a toddler I had this Bob the Builder Muck toy which was interactive with sound effects and my parents said I used to play the same sound over and over again. It drove them mad apparently!


I'm the same with clothes, using the same coloured cups, playing the same CDs in the Viva, same music in the house and watching the same movies over and over again. I never get tired. Repetition is a huge part of my routine and I have a meltdown whenever my routine is broken. It's like when I go out I always repeat the same route, my route from home to the shops hasn't changed since I was at secondary school!

Like if I eat and drink it's always at certain times. Never before, never after. The timing has to be just right otherwise my routine is broken.

I think it's the predictability I like, the certainty, because I know it's there and it will always be there. I can repeat, continue the repetition, its like it's set in stone and can never be changed. My dad says my love of repetition is unhealthy, my mum is much more supportive and understanding of it. She says so long as it's not causing me any harm then I should enjoy it. 

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